Madeleine1152's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Madeleine1152's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wish I was on the beach watching the sun set with you Love/Nonna
- Angela/Nonna on February 1, 2023
My darling Maddie: You have a great vision and eye. Love you and your art work. Love/Nonna
- Angela/Nonna on February 1, 2023
Madeleine What a wonderful view of the city. You truly got the building right. Keep doing your artwork we need people like you. I love it my dear Maddie. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on May 31, 2018
Spooky. Great Halloween pic!
-- Uncle
- on November 1, 2017
Madeleine: Gonna is very proud of your masterpiece named "reflections" . You did a beautiful job on this painting. You are my little Angel. Love Nonna
-- Nonna
- on October 6, 2017
Dear Madeleine What a beautiful sunflower. You did a great job on shading it in the pedals. Gonna loves to see your artwork.
-- Nonna
- on September 19, 2017
I know those ships! Great job
-- Uncle
- on May 17, 2017
Maddie I love the bunny in the basket. I especially love that one ear goes up and one goes down. The face is so precious like you are. Keep drawing for Nonna. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on April 18, 2017
Madeleine What a colorful dragon. He has beautiful colors but I don't know if I would like to meet him. Keep up the good work you are doing in art. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on April 18, 2017
Great Picture. Very cool!
-- Uncle
- on April 18, 2017
Dear Madeleine I could really enjoy that hot cup of coffee you drew but I know from you that it is hot chocolate. In my mind it is a wonderful cup of hot coffee made from my beautiful granddaughter for her Nonna. I love the steam coming up from the coffee( hot chocolate) it looks so real. Keep up the good work. Gonna loves you. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on March 7, 2017
Madeleine Now thats a cup of coffee Nonna would drink. Great picture keep up the good work. I can see the steam coming up from that hot cup of coffee Love Nonna
-- Nonna
- on March 7, 2017
Great pic! What a great artist you are
-- Uncle
- on March 7, 2017
Great heart! I love what you did with all the colors.
-- Uncle
- on March 1, 2017
Madeleine What a beautiful heart. I like all the different colors of red you did with some shades of pink. Great Job Love Nonna
-- Nonna
- on February 23, 2017
Such a cute penguin!!!!
-- B
- on December 17, 2016
I love the colorful fish. It make me want to have one of your fish in a bowl so I could watch it all the time. Love you Madeleine
-- Nonna
- on September 28, 2016
Madeleine I see you have red nail polish like Nonna. You drew a pretty girl but I love the little girl who drew it. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on May 30, 2016
Great job Maddie!
-- Uncle
- on May 12, 2016
Maddie You made some cute animals... I think Nonna is the brown dog in the middle and I hop your the pick one on my side but I don't know who the black and white one is???? Keep drawing honey you do a real good job. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on May 12, 2016
My little Maddie: You made a beautiful bird. You are doing some great art in this class. I love that the birds head is a deeper and richer color then the body. Keep up the good work Nonna loves to see your art work. Love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on April 3, 2016
Great duck!!
-- Uncle
- on February 29, 2016
Love your duck! You're such a great artist :)
-- B
- on February 29, 2016
Great job. It's so pretty!!
-- Uncle
- on February 14, 2016
You did such a great job on your penguin! I love his polka dotted hat :)
-- B
- on February 13, 2016
I love all the colors you used on your heart!
-- B
- on February 13, 2016
Super cute drawing! Great job
-- Uncle
- on February 8, 2016
Madeleine I hope that heart is coming over to Nonna....She is beautiful. Is that your hat and pink scafe? You even put a white heart on her belly. You are a very creative little cutie pie. Love Nonna
-- Nonna
- on February 9, 2016
What a great SNOWMAN!! I like him better than Olaf. Great job
-- Uncle
- on December 13, 2015
I love this snowman!!! Great job Maddie. Love you
-- B
- on December 13, 2015
What a great barn! If I was a cow, I would want to live inside of it.
-- Uncle
- on November 13, 2015
Great job!
-- Uncle
- on October 29, 2015
Great job! It's beautiful.
-- Uncle
- on October 18, 2015
My beautiful Maddie It is so good to see your work. I love the bee and flowers. The flowers are beautiful and bright so a bee would love to go and have a rest on them. Keep up the goos job love/Nonna
-- Nonna
- on October 8, 2015
So pretty Maddie! I love all the flowers! Love you B
-- B
- on October 8, 2015