Theodore730's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Theodore730's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Teddy, your artwork is awesome!Your artwork is balanced and your use of light is amazing. You have talent and work hard. Love, Aunt Lou and Uncle Al
-- Aunt Lou
- on May 21, 2016
The contrast in this piece of artwork is amazing! Great job Teddy! Love. Jackie, Ian, Delaney, Lilly, Evie, Maude and Stella
-- Jackie
- on April 15, 2016
WOW! Teddy, you have an amazing use of color. We love it. Uncle Al and Aunt Lou
-- Aunt Lou
- on March 12, 2016
Teddy, With every piece of art you complete I can see your growth in creativity and technique! I love the texture in this one. Keep up the great work! Love you so much. Love, Cousin Jackie and Delaney
-- Jackie
- on March 10, 2016
Teddy,, Uncle Al and I are so proud of you! You are so gifted in your use of color. Your painting is very expressive. You must have worked very hard. We will get a magnet of your painting for you refrigerator.
-- Aunt Lou
- on March 10, 2016
Wow Teddy, what a great job! You are becoming quite the artist
-- Patti
- on February 26, 2016
This is my favorite so far Teddy! I just love the stripes on the bird and his adorable red wing. I can tell you worked so very hard on this. Congratulations such a beautiful piece of artwork. Xoxoxoxoxox
-- Jackie
- on February 26, 2016
Poppie and I really like the colors in your art project! Good work! Love you
-- Grammie
- on November 18, 2015
Hi Teddy, Poppy and I love the colors in your first art project, very nice .
-- Grammie
- on November 17, 2015
Teddy, What a fantastic piece of art! I love your use of the color red and all the details you must have worked so hard on. I can not wait to see your next amazing work of art :-) Love, Jackie, Ian, Lilly, Evie, Delaney, Stella and Maude
-- Jackie
- on November 17, 2015
Teddy, we are so proud of your first art project
-- Patti
- on November 15, 2015