anro2's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about anro2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a great job Angelo. I really think this is excellent!
- on February 23, 2008
Very beautiful work! These flowers are for your Mom, I guess!
- on June 4, 2007
Great work son! You are able to incorporate the faces of Timmy, Jimmy Neutoron, etc... in your artwork. You really are very talented. We're so proud of you!
- on December 14, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 28, 2006
Hey, hey! That´s exciting! An award! Congratulations!! I´m so happy to see that! Hats off!!!! Parents, is this not just sooooooooooooo wonderful??? I wish my sister would see this!
-- from Auntie Lola Flavia
- on May 12, 2005
Fantastic! There´s a lot of things goin´ on!! A party?
-- from Auntie Lola Flavia
- on May 4, 2005
Hello, Angelo! Golly wow! We have a handsome artist in the clan! Your artworks are really VERY VERY NICE! Congratulations! Keep up the good work, kid! We'll be looking out for more. Congrats also to your teacher in drawing for an excellent job. Regards to your Papa & Mama and Aldrin & Antoni. Bye!
-- from Mama Rose
- on May 1, 2005
This is awesome, Angelo! Your drawing is great! Keep on drawing and I hope someday, you will be famous because of your God-given talent...God bless!
-- from Ninang Nina
- on April 6, 2005
This is cool Angelo! Your artwork is improving everytime. When we get to see each other, maybe you can draw me my portrait. won't that be great! Keep on, Angelo!
-- from Tita Helen
- on March 24, 2005
You are a very special child Angelo. I am proud of you and your talents. I love you!!!
-- from Mom
- on March 22, 2005
I still can't believe how much you have grown from your great drawings...I remember you made good scribbles when you were younger and look what you have turned them into now...Great arts! Use your God-given talent and paint this world with wonderful colors!
-- from Ninang Nina
- on February 3, 2005
I really love this "Mexican Sun". What an imagination you have! I am looking forward to seeing more of your art displays, Angelo!
-- from Aunt Helen
- on February 1, 2005
Wow! Wow! Wow! That is reallysomething! ow I begin to wonder where I was when GOD gave HIS children the gift to paint or draw.... You are very lucky Angelo, you are one among those who has received it. Keep on! I am so proud of you!
-- from Aunt Helen
- on February 1, 2005
A terrific work, Angelo! I just love it. The warmth and vigor in this painting radiates through my room and drives the cold away. Thank you for sharing! Regards and love Your Auntie Lola
-- from Flavia
- on January 31, 2005
angelo that is a lovely aboringine bark painting. if you send me your address i will send you some aboringine postcards direct out of australia...your teacher would probably like to see the postcards. kelly
-- from kelly your kinder teacher in australia
- on January 31, 2005
hi there! i loved both your artworks. i hope you'll do more drawings or paintings soon. i'll look forward to it.
-- from love, tita neva
- on December 2, 2004
Dear Angelo, Hope you remember me. I thank God so much for giving your Mom and Dad the guts and the oppurtunity to migrate to the U.S. for your sake. I love your Mexican Sun. And sure, your Farm, too. Please allow me to copy them bec. I wish to post them in my office and at home. Keep up with your amazing works and I hope to see you in the near future! I love you! Regards and Hugs!
-- from Auntie Lola Flavia
- on October 6, 2004
angelo, what is your mexican sun made of? it looks very interesting?
-- from kelly
- on May 9, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on May 9, 2004
hi angelo! You did such a wonderful job! You have such an amazing imagination! Keep expressing yourself through art and we are pretty sure that in the future, you'll have the world looking at the pictures you draw....Just work on it and believe! We love and miss you!
-- from tita helen and tita melanie
- on April 24, 2004
hey angelo! it's such a nice work, you've got a great god given talent, it's called "the wisdom of art". just keep on drawing, drawing and drawing, then send it to us, love u, god bless! Hey! angelo wat ur doin?
-- from tito mandy, tita judith n patrick
- on April 1, 2004
well done! i'm so PROUD of you!I remember when you are starting to hold a marker and trying to draw pictures, you loved to draw Jollibee and me with my long hair!!!Keep it up!!!GREAT JOB!!!
-- from aunt Julie Ann
- on March 24, 2004
We are very proud of your gift as an artist Angelo! Just do your best all the time and everything will turn out well. We love you!!!
-- from Mom, Aldrin and Antoni
- on March 24, 2004
Good job! Your work deserves to be included in Artsonia. I'm sure this will be the start of your bright future in art. You'll have my full support.
-- from love, Dad
- on March 21, 2004
Excellent job for a 1st grader! I knew you had it since the day your mom showed me your first sketches. Keep drawing and painting! God bless you! Love, Ninong
-- from Sunny Castillo
- on March 21, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 21, 2004