Tommy I like your awesome, cool, real looking alligator. Scary!!! -- Sharon
- on April 14, 2016
looks good tommy -- Mark
- on April 14, 2016
Tommy this killer croc is awesome! he looks a lot like the gator we have mounted that I shot. I think yours is bigger though! I thought this was an actual picture at first. Greta job! -- Dad
- on April 14, 2016
pretty cool tommy -- Mark
- on March 18, 2016
Tommy, you have really become guite the artist! you have so many shapes and were able to use them to make this picture. I have never thought of using a triangle and a square to make a house. But you did and it looks great! I love the pot bellied circle on your guy! -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
I like this one a lot. The black and tan are a favorite combination of mine. I love all the smooth curves and different patterns. -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
look at this guy! it looks like a blue stripped irish! I can easily make out the beautiful design and shape of what you were doing. it looks like it will jump right off the page. -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
This must be the big bull elephant of the herd. I love the way you brought in the African Zulu pattern and design to set off this giant impressive bull elephant. He kind of looks a little mean to me, but I don't know that much about elephants. -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
Wow! Just plain wow! I can tell you spent a lot of time on this one. There are so many colors and different patterns. I love how the blue and orange pop against the black and white. This is one of my favorites! -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
oh my! this is a big blue eyed bug! I am glad it is a picture and not the actual spider on my computer. Very lifelike and realistic. well done! -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
This is so obviously a spiderman mask. I love the way the mask has a smile as big as yours! great job! -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
Cool Girraffe, you have it scaled as big as a tree because in real life they are that tall. It is easy to see him and I love the sky behind him. I wonder if we could climb that tree and pet your giraffe? -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
wow! Tommy this is so colorful and well done! I love the orange and green colors, especially how you used yellow and blue to make green. very smart! -- dad
- on March 17, 2016
Your giraffe looks awesome!! I also like your tree. Keep up the good work. -- Sharon
- on February 21, 2016
This must be your Spiderman mask, I love it! -- Sharon
- on January 27, 2016
Your beetle has big eyes just like yours! -- Sharon
- on December 23, 2015
Very Cool Tommy! -- MOM
- on December 9, 2015
Tommy, I love all the lines and curves you have on this. Especially the way the Black contrasts with the brown paper. It is a very Tribal picture! great Job! -- Dad
- on October 15, 2015
Nice job Tommy. Keep up the good work! -- Lana
- on October 7, 2015
Tommy this is awesome! I am blown away. You used all the paper and cut everything out very nicely. That star looks like it is going to fly off the page! woosh..... I like the image of you as well as the house. the hexagon looks like the sun and you are outside playing in the yard. this is a great peice of art. Love Dad -- Dad