This Flower is beautiful. Very unique. The color is very nice! and I love the mini flower in the middle. -- Pamela
- on March 13, 2019
WOW! Your art always AMAZES me! This is beautiful and one of a kind to me! -- Pamela
- on March 13, 2019
Awesome work Amya I want One with your autograph ! -- GMa
- on March 13, 2019
Can I frame this one and Keep for our living room? This is very unique! -- Mom
- on May 7, 2018
Wow I love the 3D effect! That is neat! Great Job Amya! This is one of my many favorites -- Mom
- on May 7, 2018
I cant wait till we take a trip up north to play in snow! -- Pam-Mom
- on February 7, 2018
It’s a winter wonderland! Great job! -- Titi Lisa
- on February 7, 2018
.... Amya the Frankenstein? I miss being a kid... you have a superb imagination. -- Grandpa Landy
- on December 8, 2017
OMG.... I missed this one. I love it !!! -- Grandpa Landy
- on December 8, 2017
Cool artwork. Love the colors ...especially the background. My little Picasso :o). -- Grandpa Landy
- on December 8, 2017
Beautiful Picture just like the Artist! -- Pam-Mommy
- on December 8, 2017
I love your art work my big girl! Creative eye! ?? -- Pamela
- on May 24, 2017
I love the variety of colors and shapes in your pictures! Awesome work of Art My LIL GGirl! -- Gma
- on May 24, 2017
Some how ... I looks like me.... Wise like an Owl.... but loves to make crazy faces to make you smile. -- Grandpa Landy
- on February 8, 2017
I like it very much. It's definitely going to make Mommy smile. -- Grandpa Landy
- on February 8, 2017
Love this wreath! Made just for mom! I know it! Hahaha -- Pamela
- on January 25, 2017
I must have missed Mr and Mrs Ghost feet LOL! Nice Pic ! got a wiff of them lOl!! -- Gma
- on January 25, 2017
Omg I Luv It You are so talented my Lil artist Amya! You go G Girl ! So Proud of you and your beautiful artwork! -- Gma
- on January 25, 2017
So may things to look at... so many colors.... gifts.. then American Flag.... Is that you in the picture? -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
A day in the life of a turkey. Looking fashionable with the colorful feathers, on a nice summer day...while looking for worms to eat in the field. Nice!!! -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
He looks so real. I feel like I can touch his bow tie. :0) -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
Mrs. Frankenstein... but with style and lipstick. I love it. -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
Boo!... How did you do it? He looks so scary...but yet makes me laugh. -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
Halloween.... Thanksgiving......... RUDOLF the reindeer !!! Christmas is near!! His antlers are perfect !!! -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
Gobble Gobble.... The colors of the autumn leaves means that Thanksgiving is around the corner. Beautiful artwork !!! -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
Hey..... coo coo the Owl. Made me smile. -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
Just in time for Halloween...Scary ghosts. Scarier will be Grandpa's picture.... Bigger ghosts due to Grandpa's bigger feet. :oP -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
My favorite character.... Dr. Seuss. Love it!! -- Grandpa Landy
- on November 11, 2016
"Gooblw ,Gooble!"says the Turkey. -- GMa
- on November 11, 2016
Cool" Gooble, Gooble" says the turkey! -- GMa
- on November 11, 2016
Nice Turkey just in time for Thanksgiving! -- Pamela
- on October 29, 2016
Your so creative! Awesome Pumpkin Ghost! -- Pam
- on October 25, 2016
Awesome Frankenstein love thats its a girl! -- Pam
- on October 25, 2016
WoW ! My GGirl Is Really Talented! BOOOOoooo! -- Gma
- on October 25, 2016
OOOOooohhh! Scary ! Cool Picture I love Halloween!!!! -- Gma
- on October 25, 2016
You are very creative and have a great imagination ?? -- GMa
- on October 25, 2016
Awsome art work you are very Artistic my little G Girl??? -- GMa