Delaney2555's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Delaney2555's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Absolutely beautiful. It looks like an indian dream catcher
-- John
- on December 7, 2015
Absolutely beautiful work. You show your individuality. You are quite a multifaceted young lady. A woman of many talents
-- papa john + deirdre
- on November 20, 2015
You have really got an eye for the realistic. Really well done. You are really some special with many talents
-- John + Deirdre
- on October 4, 2015
Very nice shading!
-- Jessica
- on October 4, 2015
Gagey!!! So cute!
-- Jessica
- on October 4, 2015
All the basic colors, and are those little circles a combination of the two colors? How did you make this- by hand or program or what? Cool!
-- Peggy
- on September 30, 2015
This is my favorite yet. I want a tee shirt with that design, it'perfect fot that. Keep up the excellent work
-- John +Deirdre
- on September 30, 2015
This is so good! You're very skilled with the pencil, Laney. Remember we bought those sketching pencils at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria?
-- Peggy
- on September 21, 2015
Love it! You sew too!
-- Peggy
- on September 21, 2015
Hey Delaney, Glad you join this site so we can see your art work throughout the year. Like the way you tied the border into the design in the middle of the "poem".
-- Nana
- on September 5, 2015
What a beautiful design. And this is just the begining of your talents
-- deirdre
- on August 26, 2015
you're even more of an artist than i thought !!!!....i'll definitely be waiting for more...AWESOME !!
-- Papa John
- on August 26, 2015