Payton4748's Comments (48)

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Below are comments about Payton4748's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Grandmom and I are blown away! You have so much going on in this painting. Our eyes keep traveling from one bright place to another. It’s like reading an exciting story! Great job!
-- Bubbie
- on September 12, 2018
Love your blue dog with those haunting green eyes. Love the pink parts: inside the ears and the nose and tongue. So realistic. Is she wagging her tail? She must be happy you painted her!
-- Bubbie
- on June 13, 2018
We love this picture! The colors are amazing. Bubbie’s favorites: purple and green. We can feel the majesty of the mountains. You did a great job representing the words. Well done!
-- Bubbie
- on June 13, 2018
Your dragon is amazing! So colorful. I would love to celebrate the New Year with a dragon like that! She would make a great dragon to write a story about, I think. What do you think?
-- Bubbie
- on April 4, 2018
What a fantastic dragon! Great way to celebrate the Chinese New Years. Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on April 4, 2018
Payton, I really love your dog - I think Arya would like him too!
-- Ma
- on March 28, 2018
Grandmom and I were just asking about your new artwork, and it arrived this morning! Your dog looks very friendly but it's clear she will protect her people, too. I like the way you mixed colors. I especially love the white marking on the face. I could never draw anything so good, but you have a talent. Time to start going to museums, right?
-- Bubbie
- on March 28, 2018
Pinkie, there is so much going on in this collage. I can see a lot of brin power and creativity went into this project. I can’t wait to ask you about it! What a great second grade artwork! Beautiful job, cowgirl!
-- Bubbie
- on February 8, 2018
Dear Pinkie, Pete Seeger's song is the best. Songwriters like him traveled the country and wrote songs about the things they saw and the people they met. Your mosaic is alive with color! In fact, I saw a mosaic very much like yours in The New Yorker, a magazine. That mosIc is hanging in an art gallery in New York! One day, one of your mosaics or paintings might hang in an art gallery, too. A beUtiful job, Pinkie. Love you, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on May 24, 2017
Hi Payton, Your Mexican Sun art work is very colorful and I can't wait to see it on a mug or tee shirt. You are an artist "extraordinaria". Love, Grandmom
-- Grandmom
- on May 3, 2017
Wow! Your painting reminds me so much of Mexico, our beautiful neighbor country to the south. Lots of sun, friendly people, and they love children! Another beautiful painting, Pinky. Grandmom loved it when I showed her.
-- Bubbie
- on May 3, 2017
Payton - I really love your Mexican Sun Painting. It looks like you are ready for Cinco de Mayo!! Love, Ma
-- Ma (Betty)
- on April 26, 2017
Pinkie, Another great mosaic. I love it! Nice border and design. They made me think about a lot of highways coming together. Your art projects always impress me. You are lucky to have a special art teacher. She has such good ideas! Love you, Bubbie and Grandmom
-- Bubbie
- on February 8, 2017
Nice job Payton
-- Ma
- on February 8, 2017
Pinkie! Your picture put me in the real Hallowe'en spirit. It makes me think of scarecrows and mazes. Good job! Grandmom loves it, too.
-- Bubbie
- on October 31, 2016
Pinky, I'm so glad we can keep seeing your art work! I love this one. The colors are very vibrant. Nice job!
-- Bubbie
- on October 5, 2016
Payton you did a very nice job of drawing yourself and your friend. Is this you and Haley or Sofia?
-- Ma
- on October 5, 2016
Pinkie, this is so beautiful. Love those cherry blossoms. I hope you can tell me more about this art project when I see you on Friday. I think your art teacher is terrific! Love you.
-- Bubbie
- on July 27, 2016
Payton, Your Cherry Blossom tree is very good. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on July 27, 2016
Wow! Grandmom and I just loved this! Lady Liberty looks so happy. Do you know she was a present from the people of France to the people of our country? What a great present. We really want to talk with you about your picture. I have some questions. Love love love the stars! And you, Ms. Artist!
-- Bubbie
- on July 27, 2016
Payton, What a beautiful princess! You are a wonderful artist. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on July 27, 2016
Wow! I would love to have a bunny like this! Great whiskers. And I like all the signs of Spring: new grass coming up, butterflies, a red robin. Let's talk about this picture. I'm sure I missed a few things.Wish I could pat that soft bunny tail. Love, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on April 27, 2016
Payton, I am very happy to see how wonderful you are doing with your art projects. This is another beautiful painting. Love, Ma
- on April 27, 2016
Dear Pinkie, what a great way to start the week, with one of your super pictures! This one reminds me very much of a favorite song of mine, Bird on a Wire. I see they are on a tree, but it also looks like a telephone pole, with wires. Your birds look happy that Spring is here. Keep up the good work! I think this would make a great mug, don't you? Love, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on April 6, 2016
Best birds ever! I love your art work. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on April 6, 2016
Payton that is a really good job. Keep up the good work
-- Chip
- on March 16, 2016
Pinkie, I love your cheery red doors and snow-covered roofs. The snow-covered tree made me shiver! That's the magic of art! Another great picture.
-- Bubbie
- on March 16, 2016
Payton your painting is beautiful. I really love the colors and the way it really looks like it is snowing.
-- Betty
- on March 16, 2016
Pinkie! Grandmom and I love this! It makes Grandmom think of stars in a winter sky, in the deep dark night. I think of snow falling in the winter night, the way we look out at the trees here and see the white flakes, the brown trees and the dark sky. And that's what makes art special: different people see different things. Another wonderful work by you, a wonderful artist! Love, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on February 3, 2016
Very nice looking snow covered winter trees. love, MA
-- Betty
- on February 3, 2016
Pinkie! I love your snowman, especially his green hat. It was the perfect touch. Green makes me happy, and so does your snowman. Thanks!
-- Bubbie
- on January 13, 2016
What a beautiful snowman. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on December 12, 2015
Wow! I would love to play with this giant panda. He looks so cuddly. Great job, Pinkie!
-- Bubbie
- on December 8, 2015
Payton - you are becoming an excellent artist. I really love your GIANT panda. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on December 8, 2015
Wow! I can see a dragon and a lake. I'm sure you could show me more. I love that you are learning about artists of the world. it's so much fun to see your artwork.
-- Bubbie
- on November 10, 2015
Beautiful - you are getting more talented every day.
-- Ma
- on November 10, 2015
Payton, This painting is beautiful! Good job nugget
-- Mommy
- on November 6, 2015
Pinkie, Your drawing made me think of so many things: mountains, rivers, flowers, vines, teeth. Beautiful! Thank you!
-- Bubbie
- on October 27, 2015
I really like your new drawing. Next time you come to our house we need to draw together. Love, MA
-- Betty
- on October 27, 2015
Great looking pumpkin. Love your art!
-- Ma
- on October 21, 2015
Payton, The pumpkin in the painting contains beautiful colors. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandmom
-- Carolyn
- on October 12, 2015
Pinkie, I just love love love the colors you picked. Those green eyes are scary! And you used some beautiful purples on top of the pumpkin. You definitely put me in the mood for Hallowe'en!
-- Bubbie
- on October 12, 2015
Nice job Payton. Keep them coming
-- Pop
- on October 12, 2015
Payton your tree is lovely. I love the way the limbs and the leaves look like they are blowing in the wind. Love you, MA
-- Betty
- on September 29, 2015
Pinkie, What a terrific picture. You captured the feel of Autumn. It made me shiver! I can't wait for your next art project. Love, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on September 28, 2015
Great job Payton I love all the different colors of the leaves
-- Chip
- on September 28, 2015
Pinkie, I love your first art work! It made me smile. Love, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on September 24, 2015
Payton, I really like your Matisse inspired artwork. You are doing a great job in kindergarten. Love, Grandmom
-- Carolyn
- on September 24, 2015