Ayden2690's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Ayden2690's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good work, AZ! I like your choice of colors:-)
-- Grandpal
- on October 3, 2018
Ayden, your map artwork is very interesting and the colors you chose go well with it. You did a very good job on this and should be proud!
-- Darlyn
- on May 23, 2018
I wouldn't want any of these spiders to get out of the jar because they look really creepy! Each one has different markings and legs. Great job on the jar as well as the spiders, Ayden!
-- Darlyn
- on April 2, 2018
Ayden, it looks like you have real spiders in there. Each one has different markings. You are quite the artist!!
-- Ace
- on March 24, 2018
Neat rover on a desolate and colorful planet. Are those moons, suns, or other visible planets I see in the sky? Nice use of mixed media/ tools.
-- Mom
- on October 14, 2017
Very creative and so colorful! Awesome artwork, Ayden!!
-- Darlyn
- on October 14, 2017
Were you thinking of hiking at Vedauwoo when you painted this? I am. It was your first nature hike as a baby. Love the patterns on the trees and bright colorful fall leaves. Nice painting to wrap up first grade, Honey!
-- Mom
- on May 24, 2017
Aspens are one of my favorite trees. You did a good job on them, Ayden! Looking at your picture makes us want to visit South Dakota again where they are growing all over in the hills and are really eye catching in the fall. We always love seeing your art projects so keep up the good work!
-- Ace & Darlyn
- on May 24, 2017
Your sea turtles are exceptionally rendered your large one is especially good with the illusion of movement and guiding the babies. I have great texture in the water and in the turtles .. good job even your turtles that are not finished look very good. Please keep up the good artwork expands your coordination and shows what you have learned with every new artwork artwork. Yay for you and Ayden!
-- Gram
- on February 8, 2017
Wow, Ayden! Love the colors you used & great texture work! Looking at it makes me feel "happy"!
-- Darlyn
- on February 8, 2017
It seems as if I am looking down into the water and seeing the baby sea turtles swimming! The green one on the right really looks like he is moving. The water looks like it's moving and shimmering. Good effort Ayden.
-- Mom
- on January 28, 2017
Awesome job on your sea turtles by watercolor, Ayden. Keep up the good work! Aunt Darlyn
-- Darlyn An Ace
- on February 1, 2017
Uncle Ace. Excellent picture makes me think I am at the beach!!!
-- Darlyn And Ace
- on February 1, 2017
Great job on your cloth weaving, Ayden! It is a very eye catching piece of artwork. The more you look at it, the longer it draws your attention. You chose exciting colors and a creative design. Keep up the good work!
-- Darlyn
- on September 26, 2016
Ayden, your line painting is beautiful! The complementary colors of lines in the background let the black front lines jump and wave like in the wind because of their boldness and movement they have. Keep learning and creating your Art. Congratulations!
-- Gram
- on September 22, 2016