Holden, I love your patterns in your background. The wolf really looks like it’s jumping out If the paper!!! Great job buddy. -- Heath
- on March 30, 2018
Holden, I think the color and the drawing in your art are great with lots of detail. Love, -- Mommom
- on May 11, 2017
Ms. Liberty looks like she is a little scared from all the fireworks behind her....r those feathers in her hair? Love the big crown on her head! -- love grams and poppop
- on June 16, 2016
Love the huge tree trunk.....cool how the blossoms look like they are floating....great job! -- love grams and poppop
- on June 16, 2016
Holden, I love your Cherry Blossom picture. It makes me smile thinking about the beautiful spring flowers. Love, Aunt NuNu -- Sue
- on June 16, 2016
He shouldn't get cold with that giant scarf! He looks a little scared with that big snow storm behind him...love it! -- Grams
- on March 30, 2016
LOVE the BLUE and the SNOW, I guess its snow......is that a den hole for squirrels or other furry creatures in the middle of the tree? Great addition..luv you -- Grams
- on March 30, 2016
LOVE the purple in the snowman drawing! Hope you get to make one that big this winter the bear was so real it SCARED me..... Pumpkin and fall colors in the tree drawing made me want to get some pumpkin pie! Keep up the great work LUV GRAMS -- grams
- on December 23, 2015
Holden, I love your art work. You can draw a picture for me anytime :) Love, Aunt Nu Nu -- Sue
- on December 23, 2015
Holden, I love you art work. You can draw a picture for me anytime :) Love, Aunt Nu Nu -- Sue
- on December 23, 2015
I love your snowman Holden! Love Mommy -- Beth
- on December 9, 2015
Holden, like how this bear turned out. It was fun to come to school and see you work on it. Love, Mom-mom -- Ellen