Colton4860's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Colton4860's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the colors on you one picture. also, great T-Rex. grandma
-- grandma
- on September 25, 2015
Colton, I love being able to look at your drawings on line. I am looking forward to seeing many more. great dinosaur-especially the teeth and claws! Love, Grandma
-- Mary Beth
- on September 23, 2015
Hi Colton, I am so excited to see your artwork being displayed like this! What a gift you have, drawing is a true talent! When I was young I always wished I could draw amazing pictures, but I didn't seem to have that skill. Keep drawing and sharing! You are a talented artist! I will share your drawings with Nicholas and Ben! Love, Kelly
-- Kelly
- on September 11, 2015
Great job Colton! They look so real. Love you
-- Grandad
- on September 11, 2015