Kaiden1180's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kaiden1180's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Kaiden, I really like how you used your imagination on the legs. The eyes are so big they say a lot about how he can see everything : ) ~MawMaw
-- Tracy
- on February 24, 2017
That is the coolest snowman I have ever seen. Look at her makeup all over her frost. What happened to her other hand? She's missing her fingers : (
-- Tracy
- on February 24, 2017
I remember this picture. You were in the Kindergarten when you made it : ) ~MawMaw
-- Tracy
- on February 24, 2017
I really like the necklace you made Kaiden. I hope I get it for Valentines Day! Mawmaw loves you!
-- Tracy
- on February 24, 2017
Hi Kaiden, Mawmaw is not sure what this is a picture of so I will need you to explain it to me : )
-- Tracy
- on February 24, 2017
Kaiden I really like your Van Gogh's bedroom painting. I looks just like your room except for there are no spider man pictures on the wall. You have a great eye for color. I see you included your brother and sister in the picture. I know they are always in your room. Great Job Grandson!!!!!!
-- MawMaw
- on February 24, 2017