Keith1947's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Keith1947's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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It looks like an ancient treasure. Intriguing.
-- Brian (aka Dad)
- on November 18, 2015
nice work!
-- Tanya
- on November 17, 2015
Nice work
-- Tanya
- on November 11, 2015
Lovely intricate detail.
-- Brian
- on November 7, 2015
Keith -- Good show. I really like the way the colors blend into one another almost seamlessly, no matter the lines of separation. The Aztecs would be impressed. John
-- John
- on November 7, 2015
Like John suggested; we are very proud of you, son. I am pleased that you have found a niche that suits you well. dad
- on October 18, 2015
Keith -- This scull in tin is very impressive, and is indeed something that could be shown in an adult art show. Your Dad & brother must be very proud of you!! Keep up your artistic work even out of school. Best of look,
-- John
- on October 18, 2015
So this is what tired looks like from the inside. Your work is very promising and accomplished, son. We are very proud of your efforts. - dad
- on October 9, 2015
Keith r-- Very interesting looking portrait. It looks as if you have been influenced by the Spanish painter, Picasso! Keep up the good work,
-- John
- on October 9, 2015
Dear Keith -- I enjoyed seeing your art work and hope that you continue your art studies further. While not myself an artist, I am a writer (of sorts) and really enjoy my time writing and thinking about writing. Doing art work can be as much fun and as stimulating as writing and the more you do, the more enjoyable it becomes. Good luck to you and your life in art. Cheers, John
-- John
- on September 22, 2015
Your storytelling in pictures is quite impressive. The slumped figure in the end must be your exhausted dad? I am proud of your work and you.
- on September 21, 2015