Mackenzie8998's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Mackenzie8998's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are totally amazing!!!! You have so many talents, just like great gramma in heaven!!!!! She is so proud of you, and so am I...Love you sweetpea
-- Kimberly
- on March 2, 2016
That's awesome Kenz!!!! So proud of you:)
-- Kimberly
- on December 5, 2015
Love your work Kenz!!! Such an artist you have become, just like great gramma in heaven:) love you sweet pea:)
-- Kimberly
- on November 19, 2015
Great detail Mac! Keep up the good work! -Mom
- on October 21, 2015
Great job Mac!! I am so proud of you, definitely one of our favorite movies!! Love you!! -Mom
- on October 21, 2015
That's awesome Kenz!!!! So proud of you:) Love you, Grammie
-- Kim
- on October 21, 2015
Awesome Kenz!!!! I Love You:)
-- Kimberly
- on October 21, 2015
Your comic is awesome Mackenzie!! Great job on becoming artist of the week because of your hard work on this piece. Great job!! I am so very proud of you!!!! Love you Bubba!! -Mom
- on September 28, 2015
You have a real talent for turning typography into an icon or symbol. You were able to flesh out a story using color and images that really allows the viewer [audience] to get a sense of your personality. Great job!
-- Auntie Kathy
- on September 28, 2015
Love the puzzle approach....I'm not an artist but I like the great use of color and the retro feel :)
-- Auntie Jenny
- on September 18, 2015
Your sooo amazing Mac!!! What a fabulous work of art:) So proud of you!! Love you, Grammie
-- Kimberly
- on September 9, 2015