Sylvia711's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Sylvia711's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is super cool Sylvie!
-- Momo
- on January 30, 2019
THIS IS AMAZING! I'm so proud of you Silly!
-- Alex
- on January 30, 2019
This is my favorite! Love you Silly! - Aunt Alex
-- Alex
- on January 30, 2019
This is beautiful Sylvie, it reminds me of the nights here at the farm. Love you so much! Momo
-- Momo
- on September 7, 2016
LOVELY Sylvia!!! You are an amazing artest! I am so proud of you!
-- Mom
- on December 28, 2015
WOW! This is amazing Sylvia! You are the best! Love you!
-- Mom
- on October 5, 2015