Hannah26118's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Hannah26118's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a sweet heart. That is very nice!! I love it!! Love, Grammy
-- Linda
- on December 23, 2016
Hannah, You are very creative and I love all your artwork!!! Keep up the great work. I miss you, Love Grammie
-- Linda
- on November 16, 2016
Creative Hannah!! I love it!!!! Love, Gramma
-- Linda
- on October 12, 2016
very great job my daughter I love you
-- Chad
- on November 17, 2015
It is beautiful and looks like a sand dollar. Love, Grammie
-- Linda
- on November 17, 2015
Awesome!!! Love, Grammie
-- Linda
- on November 10, 2015
That is very creative!!! Beautiful! Love, Grammie
-- Linda
- on October 21, 2015
Beautiful! Love, Grammie
-- Linda
- on October 13, 2015
You did a great job Hannah. Mommy loves you. Keep up the great artwork. Your getting better with every project.
-- mommy
- on October 13, 2015
Very creative Hannah! Love Grammie
-- Linda
- on October 6, 2015
Beautiful!!! I love your abstract art. Love, Grammie
-- Linda
- on October 1, 2015
I love this one as I do all of them. This one could be a Picasso!!!
-- Grammie
- on October 1, 2015
I love this. You are an upcoming Picasso. Love, Grammie
-- Grammie
- on October 1, 2015
Good choice of colors for the artwork. You did a really good job with color pattern.
- on September 23, 2015
Awesome work honey. Mommy loves the picture. Keep up the good work.
- on September 23, 2015