Mercedez119's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Mercedez119's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Congrats to doing so good with your artwork this year. I can tell how well you love to go to art class and draw.
-- Mommy
- on May 17, 2016
I love your drawing. It's so colorful and realistic. Great job
-- Mommy
- on May 17, 2016
I love your creative line artwork. Keep up the great work.
- on November 2, 2015
I love your spooky house artwork. I can tell how creative you can be.
- on November 2, 2015
I love your art work, Babe. Keep up the great art work. I love you, Grandma
-- Margaret
- on October 1, 2015