This is a very pretty turtle. I have named her Ruby. -- Sharon
- on May 9, 2018
This looks like a very joyful fellow out in the pretty green field. Great work, Lauren. -- Sharon
- on April 18, 2018
Lauren, do you think he will catch his hat. Fun to see your nice artwork. -- Sharon
- on February 18, 2018
How fun! This a a nice art project and you will have to tell how you did it. Good work! -- Sharon
- on February 18, 2018
I love your picture. It is so colorful! -- Katie
- on February 6, 2018
Lovely and fun -- Sharon
- on November 22, 2017
What a fun art project. A cat with glasses is very interesting. -- Sharon
- on November 8, 2017
This Is a very pretty pink. I love the little yellow you added. Nice work! -- Sharon
- on April 27, 2017
Love it. ! -- Diane
- on March 16, 2017
This is a very nice picture of Cat in the Hat that Lauren made. Fun drawing some favorite characters. -- Sharon
- on March 8, 2017
Pretty pink lantern. I love it! Love, Mom -- Katie
- on March 2, 2017
Lauren, I love the color of your lantern and really like the pink or red dots you used as decoration. Very pretty and good choices. We could use it in our box house. -- Sharon
- on March 2, 2017
Who is this character? He is quite a looker with three eyes. -- Sharon
- on February 1, 2017
I love that all of your snow people have big smiles. Smiles make me feel like they are warm even though they are made of snow. -- Sharon
- on November 30, 2016
I love the colors you chose. The fruit is very tempting to eat because you make them look yummy! -- Sharon
- on November 16, 2016
All of your squiggly lines make me feel bouncy and happy. What a fun picture to look at and think about. Nice job! -- Sharon
- on September 22, 2016
So pretty!! -- Katie
- on April 10, 2016
I knew it was Cat in The Hat Right away. You did a really nice job on him. What an artist you are becoming! -- Sharon
- on March 2, 2016
How did you make him look so fluffy? I want to reach out and hug him. -- Sharon
- on February 13, 2016
Another very pretty piece of artwork. So many hearts means so much love. Very nice. -- Sharon
- on January 30, 2016
What a fun project. I love the objects you chose with circles and squiggles and squares. Nice job! -- Sharon (Grandma)
- on January 20, 2016
I love your penguin, Lauren! love, Mom -- Katie
- on November 22, 2015
I love your penquin. He looks like a colorful party penquin. This one is awesome -- Diane
- on November 22, 2015
Lauren, The some awesome penguin. I love his winter hat, it should keep him warm. Great work of art. Grandma -- Sharon
- on November 22, 2015
I love your selff portrait. I could tell it was a picture of you. Good work! -- Sharon
- on November 11, 2015
Was that fun to do? You will have to show me how to make such an interesting picture. -- Sharon
- on October 27, 2015
I love seeing your art pictures. They are so interesting and colorful. You do beautiful work. -- Sharon
- on October 27, 2015
What great lines and shapes! Your tree makes me think of an ice cream cone, which makes me hungry for a treat. Are those spiders I see? EEEEEEEEK!!!!! -- Aunt Anne
- on October 27, 2015
I love your little house, especially the tree that looks like a yummy ice cream cone. The sky is so pretty! Love, Mom
- on October 26, 2015
Wow! I love sunflowers and learning about Van Gogh. I like how you used red at the top of the flower and at the bottom. Good work, Lauren! -- Anne
- on October 23, 2015
This is lovely. Really lovely, great colors! -- Sharon
- on October 23, 2015
How did you find such a tall pumpkin? Oh, silly me you made it. It will make a big jack-o- lantern if you carve it. Can I help you? -- Grandma
- on October 15, 2015
Your blue lines make me think of waves in the ocean, and the orange at the top looks like the sunset. Good work! -- Aunt Anne
- on October 12, 2015
Lauren, I love the beautiful colors you chose for this art work. I also like how you made your lines at an angle. Very nicely done. -- Sharon
- on October 12, 2015
I love the colors you chose. It a very pretty picture. -- Grandma
- on October 5, 2015
I hope I don't up with that monster. OUCH! Nice work! -- Sharon