Ella, this is an amazing art you created. The colors and design really inspires us. Mom and Dad are proud of you. -- Chris
- on February 18, 2018
Ella, we love the art work! We love the hearts surrounding the Gecko, that's very creative! Mom and Dad are proud of you! -- Chris
- on September 19, 2017
This is a special picture. Why? You have colored it with a very free drawing style. The picture seems to vibrate with energy...beautiful colors. -- Oma and Opa
- on November 23, 2016
Ella, we love this picture! Why? The strong black lines and the vibrant colors! You are quite the artist! -- Oma and Opa
- on November 23, 2016
Beautiful Ella! -- Chris
- on November 14, 2016
Good job Ella! We are so proud of your art work! -- Chris