This is an absolute darling pumpkin!! You did a fantastic job on it! Can't wait to see your next creation!! -- Janice
- on October 24, 2016
Great Job!! Pretty dancin' Giraffe:) -- Tay Tay
- on March 17, 2016
Love the colors! Love you -- Tay
- on January 15, 2016
I just seen this, great job!! -- Tay
- on January 15, 2016
This is awesome sauce kels! Great work! -- Tay
- on January 15, 2016
What an awesome nutcracker!! I think this is your best artwork so far. I absolutely love it Kelly!! You are getting to be quite an artist!! Love you!! -- Nana
- on November 21, 2015
I LOVE it Kels!!! Super cute! -- TayTay
- on October 8, 2015
Kelly, you did a great job on your leaf!! I especially like the colors you picked for it. Keep up the good work! -- Nana
- on October 8, 2015
You did such a good job on"Sweetie" I think it is just beautiful!! -- Nanas to