Josie2258's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Josie2258's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Jo. I love how your big imagination shows through in your art work.
-- Dad
- on November 21, 2018
This is so creative Josie! I love seeing your artwork on here! I am so proud of you! ??, Mommy
-- Kim
- on January 30, 2017
Josie I love your artwork. It is amazing. Grandma Narda loves you and am so proud of you and your artistic abilities. I am going to order some for my house. Sure do love you Josiebug#
-- Narda
- on May 25, 2016
Josie I love your art. It is so cool. Grandma is so very proud of you. I hope to see more if your artwork. You are amazing! Love Grandma Narda
- on March 16, 2016