Riley11271's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Riley11271's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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All of the emojis turned into question marks on my previous comment. Ignore those!
- Holly (Mother) on February 17, 2024
Great job capturing the 1 point perspective on this awesome piece of art, Riley! ???? There is alot of detail to it and the fish tank is a unique touch! ?? I think this is great and very artistic!! Impressive!!!!??
- Holly (Mother) on February 17, 2024
Aunt cindy used to have a dog that looked like this!!!
-- Janet
- on January 17, 2023
Riley this is beautiful!!!!! I would like to make something like that!!!!
-- Janet
- on January 17, 2023
Riley, that is certainly beautiful! You should teach me how to make one someday!
-- Janet
- on January 17, 2023
Dear Riley, Your new picture is beautiful! I like it very much. Grandma
-- Janet
- on January 17, 2023
Riley, that is beautiful! So many nice colors!
-- Grandma Zullig
- on January 17, 2023
Riley, your necklace is beautiful! I love the colors in it!
-- Janet
- on January 17, 2023
Riley, that is a beautiful necklace!! I hope you make more of them! Good job. From, grandma Zullig.
-- Janet
- on August 16, 2017
That's a good-looking bird!!
-- Janet
- on August 16, 2017
Riley, this is beautiful!!
-- Janet
- on August 16, 2017
It's beautiful!!
-- Janet
- on August 16, 2017
It is beautiful and made me smile!
-- Grandma Zullig
- on August 16, 2017
Beautiful!! I like those colors!
-- Grandma Zullig
- on August 16, 2017