Another beautiful work of art. Makes me want to plant flowers. -- Aunt Rene'
- on March 1, 2017
I love your new artwork. The flowers make me think of spring. -- Aunt Rene'
- on March 1, 2017
Awesome art once again. Great job, I'm so proud. -- Aunt Rene'
- on November 3, 2016
Another great piece of art. Keep it up my little Picasso. -- Aunt Rene'
- on November 3, 2016
Abbey, I somehow missed this one too. I love this Omi and Papaw had these trees in their front yard when we first moved to Justice. It is beautiful. -- Aunt Rene'
- on November 3, 2016
Abbey, I somehow missed this one. Good job. -- Aunt Rene'
- on November 3, 2016
Abbey, Your art work is beautiful. I look forward to seeing your new pictures. Great job. -- Aunt Rene'
- on November 3, 2016
Abbey Mae, This is just so cute! You did a great job! Love you, Mommy -- Tammy
- on May 7, 2016
Abbey, Great job honey. I suppose this will be the closest I'll have to see the Statue of Liberty. :) Glad we'll have the artwork here at home. I love you, Mommy -- Tammy
- on May 7, 2016
Abbey, I love all of your art work. This one is extra special to me because it reminds me of my home where I grew up in Justice, IL. We had a white birch tree on the side of our house. I love this and I love you. Mommy -- Tammy
- on May 7, 2016
Hi Abbey! I just love your artwork, you are such a great artist! The colors you use are beautiful. I am still trying to decide which picture I like best, it's very hard since I really love them all! I think my favorite one is the picture with the buildings and trees. Now I have to decide what to order. I think a t-shirt would be fun, then I can really show off your artwork! Keep up the good work on your art projects! They're wonderful! I love you bunches!!! -- Aunt Trish
- on January 13, 2016
Abbey, Love this. You are quite the artist. Love you. -- Aunt Rene'
- on January 13, 2016
Abbey1423, the picture you drew of the hand is so cool! I really like it. You are very talented in so many ways. Your family in Arkansas are so very proud of you! Good job! We love you very much! -- Tricia