Hailee958's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Hailee958's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your picture is really great, Hailee!!! Uncle Terry and I are very proud of you and love you.
-- Ruth
- on January 14, 2016
Hailee, what a beautiful picture !! I'm very proud of you ! You are very talented !! :-) Love you, Aunt Barbara
-- Aunt Barbara
- on November 18, 2015
Dearest Hailee, I love your drawing because you went a step further than the usual chick and included a bug for the chick to eat as well. And the chick is actually looking at the bug... This is very advanced concepts in thinking and drawing concepts for your age. I am very proud of you and I love you girl! Keep up the good work!
-- Nancy
- on January 14, 2016
Hailee, your picture is wonderful, as usual. We are and have always been so proud of you.
-- Jim Linda
- on October 21, 2015