This is not Christopher's artwork. Christopher no longer attends George O Barr School. -- Sandra
- on December 13, 2016
That is one cool shark! It has thwarting strangest looking eyes I've ever seen - kinda like its crossed! -- Grandma Sandy
- on May 21, 2016
I hadn't realized you had TWO Koi pictures! I only saw the first one. Love this one too, although the other fish is a little larger I think!! -- Grandma Sandy
- on May 11, 2016
Great looking Castle, Chriis! It's really tall and I love the turrets! Only one window opening? Is that for Rapunzel? HaHa!! Nice Drawbridge too! -- Grandma Sandy
- on May 11, 2016
Christopher, I absolutely LOVE your Koi (Japanese Fish). It looks so authentic, it is beautiful, even down to the shiny scales! You've done a fantastic job. -- Grandma Sandy
- on April 15, 2016
This is really beautiful Christopher and such a beautiful color. ai think it's really neat that the letters inside spell your name in Egyptian. I would never have known that if you hadn't explained it to me. I don't know anything about the Egyptian language. Keep up the good work. -- Sandra
- on January 29, 2016
This one is a lot different than the first one. The cuts are different and there are more of them and it is even more colorful, I like the green in here. -- Sandra
- on December 12, 2015
Chris, I love your snowflake. It is very original and colorful! You are really becoming quite an artist! Love you! Grandma Sandy -- Sandra
- on December 12, 2015
Love your artwork,very imaginative....keep up the good work..Papa B! -- Bruce
- on December 12, 2015
This is the correct drawing made by our Christopher18352. -- Sandra
- on November 26, 2015
Christopher, This is a beautiful picture of a winters night! I love it & you too so much! Grandma Lisa -- Grandma Lisa