Braylon467's Comments (99)

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Below are comments about Braylon467's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job Sweetie! Love your Hearts and I Love Your Heart! Love you with ALL my Heart ?? Your Biggest Fan Nana
- Davalene on March 4, 2020
Braylon As usual your Artwork is phenomenal! Love you ?? Your Biggest Fan Nana
- Davalene on March 4, 2020
Braylon Your talent never ceases to AMAZE me! Wonderful Job as usual ?? Love You Nana ??
- Davalene on February 12, 2020
Nice Christmas articles. Love Christmas and love you
- Pap and Yia Yia on February 12, 2020
I love your northern lights. You are such a great artist. Maybe one day we can all go see the northern lights. That would be fun. Love you Braylon
- Pap and Yia Yia on February 12, 2020
Love your work as usual! So CREATIVE ?? Love you too?? Nana
- Davalene on February 12, 2020
Great Job Braylon! As usual! Love you Nana ??
- Davalene on December 18, 2019
Well you’ve done it again, created a Masterpiece! LOVE It!!! Love You Nana
- Davalene on December 18, 2019
Beautiful great job Braylon. I love you Yia Yia
- Paula on December 18, 2019
Braylon I love your “Going out of my mind” great creativity as usual! Keep making beautiful Art, I love ALL of it! I Love You ?? Nana
- on November 6, 2019
Braylon, This is a fantastic display of talent! I would definitely display your artwork for all to see! Love You Nana ??
-- Davalene
- on November 6, 2019
This is the stuff that make Artist Famous! I love it ?? I Love You too!!! Nana
-- Davalene
- on November 6, 2019
Braylon you never cease to amaze me at your talent! Love your 3D Lizard! Keep creating those Masterpieces I love them!!! I love you ?? Nana
-- Davalene
- on November 6, 2019
Love the Owls! Lexi loves Owls too! You should give this to her as a gift. Keep making Master Pieces! Love You BIG ?? Nana
-- Davalene
- on March 10, 2019
Love this owl! The eyes are mysterious, just like an actual owl. Good job, Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on March 10, 2019
I Love Candy Canes! These are AWESOME! Maybe Cherry Chocolate flavored...Yummy ?? I Love you too!!!! xoxoxo Nana
-- Davalene
- on March 10, 2019
Better be the only spider you bring home :) love you B!!
-- Jessica
- on December 4, 2018
Wonder what flavor these candy canes are?? Love you and your art!!
-- Jessica
- on December 4, 2018
Scariest monster I’ve ever seen!! Looks like Daddy in the morning!!
-- Jessica
- on December 4, 2018
Great job B!! Mom loves you!!
-- Jessica
- on December 4, 2018
Interesting! Love it Love You!!! Nana
-- Davalene
- on December 4, 2018
As usual AWESOME artwork! This is the only Spider I Like. Great Job, you need to teach Nana how to draw. Love You BIG Nana
-- Davalene
- on December 4, 2018
Great Picasso Portrait. I still LOVE your Talent! Love you Too?? Nana
-- Davalene
- on December 4, 2018
Express yourself any way you can! Never be ashamed to express yourself!! Mommy
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
This pumpkin is so pretty I bet it would make a great pie!! Love, Mommy
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Love the colorful trees and the starry background! Mommy
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Simply beautiful! Mommy
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
An art work fit for royalty!! Love, Mommy.
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Great Self Portrait!! I love how you have fireworks on your shirt because it shows your personality!! Love, Mommy
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
This tree is beautiful, I think we can make some more of these to hang up in the house!! Mommy loves you!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
You better be"leaf" I love this one too!! Love the color variations!! Love, Mommy
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Frank jsut happens to be my favorite Halloween Monster!! And this is an amazing likeness!! Mommy loves you big guy!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Owl bet this is the best owl I've ever seen!! Mommy loves your imagination and love for art.
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Hey I Think this looks like PaPa!! Mommy loves how talented you are!!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
I love Cupcakes!! maybe we can make some that look a little like this later. Love, Mommy!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Get used to soaring Kid, cause you are certainly going places! So Proud to be your mommy!!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
That looks like one tasty doughnut! Makes me want a doughnut!! Love, Mommy!!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
This is the cutest bunny I have ever seen!! Love the extra fluffy tail!! Mommy loves you!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Braylon you are so imaginative and talented! Daddy and I love you and are so incredibly proud of you!!
-- Jessica
- on June 1, 2018
Dearest Braylon Awesome Castle. and those are SCARY looking Creatures! Never Stop being creative, I Love You & so does Pops You Fan in EVERYTHING yo do Nana
-- Davalene
- on June 1, 2018
Great job as usual! Keep being creative and use your imagination. Love you INFINITY! Nana & Pops
-- Davalene
- on April 16, 2018
Braylon, I love doughnuts too ! I love your Artwork! Keep making those Master Pieces! Love you to the Moon ?? Nana
-- Davalene
- on March 28, 2018
How cool is this! What a wonderful imagination I Love "Flying Above the City"! I love you... Nana
-- Davalene
- on March 28, 2018
What a fun work of art! Love it!
-- Grandma
- on March 28, 2018
I don't know what medium you used but, this looks DELICIOUS!! Good Job!
-- Grandma
- on March 28, 2018
Braylon you continue to AMAZE me with your talent. I love it! I love you!!!! Nana
-- Davalene
- on February 10, 2018
Oh My Goodness I have it to order this, what a great Grinch! You continue to amaze me with your endless talent! I love you Nana ??
-- Davalene
- on February 10, 2018
Braylon I love your Owl! You're my favorite ALL Time Artist. Keep being creative, love you BIG! ?? Nana
-- Davalene
- on February 10, 2018
Way to go Braylon! Perfect use of color. Love the green eyes. They pop off the red.
-- Grandma
- on February 10, 2018
Oh My Braylon this Freaky Frankie is AMAZING, your abilities never cease to amaze me! I love your work ?? Pops and I love you very much, keep those Artist Juices flowing. Your Fan Nana
-- Davalene
- on February 10, 2018
Gorgeous Fall Artwork Braylon! You are an AMAZING Artist. Keep creative side going always know Nana thinks you have a Great ability to show beauty. Pops and I love you very much!
-- Davalene
- on February 10, 2018
Braylon I absolutely love this Tree! You are so talented. Keep expressing and making Master Pieces! Papa and I love you ?? Your Fan Nana
-- Davalene
- on October 11, 2017
Braylon this is a very interesting Portrait, this is the kind a Art that makes People FAMOUS! Of course I'm already a BIG Fan of everything you do! You're AMAZING and never ceases to amaze me at your talents. Keep being creative. We love yo you more than ALL the Galaxy! Nana & Pops
-- Davalene
- on May 14, 2017
This one made me giggle! I love it and I love you!
-- Grandma
- on May 14, 2017
LOVE the Royal Pooches, I bet Tucker will love it too since it has a Crown ??! You are an AMAZING? Artist!!! Keep creating beauty... We Love You ?? Nana & Papa
-- Davalene
- on April 13, 2017
Excellent, Braylon! The regal and rich colors you used definitely express the royalty of this pooch!
-- Grandma
- on April 13, 2017
So talented! Keep up the great work! -Mommy
-- Jessica
- on March 13, 2017
Well you did it again, another BEAUTIFUL. Masterpiece! I love it. Keep putting your lovely ideas on paper. I love your expressions and I love you!!!! Nana
-- Davalene
- on March 13, 2017
Love it Braylon! Paul Klee would be impressed with your shapes and colors. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma
- on March 13, 2017
Looks like you've created another Masterpiece! I love it!!! Keep that brilliant mind and creativity going! Pops & Nana are very proud of you! Love you BUNCHES ????
-- Davalene
- on March 13, 2017
I must have missed this one before. Now it's my screensaver! Good job on the waves in the water! Very beautiful.
-- Grandma
- on March 13, 2017
Beautiful Braylon! Monet is my second favorite artist. You are my first favorite artist!
-- Grandma
- on March 13, 2017
It's the great pumpkin. Love it -
-- YiaYia
- on March 13, 2017
Wow great job Braylon. Love you Yia Yia
-- Paula
- on March 13, 2017
Another AWESOME picture Braylon! You're very creative. Love you very much ?? Nana & Pops
-- Davalene
- on December 8, 2016
Very festive, Braylon! Love it so much!
-- Grandma
- on December 8, 2016
Bold colors! Very exciting! Proud of you!
-- Grandma
- on December 8, 2016
Love the great pumpkin, Braylon! Very good!
-- Grandma
- on December 8, 2016
LOVE this Very interesting! Keep painting, drawing and showing your talent... Love you BUNCHES Nana & Papa
-- Davalene
- on December 8, 2016
Love your new pictute SCREAM! You are so talented. Love you ver much... Nana & Papa
-- Davalene
- on October 26, 2016
So creative! Great use of colors!!
-- Mommy
- on September 26, 2016
Mommy is so proud of you and how creative you are! Never loose that ability to see the beauty in the world!! Mommy loves you Very, Very much!!
-- Mommy
- on September 26, 2016
Braylon you have amazed me again with your talent, I love your artwork! Keep using your imagination to create BEAUTY! Nana & Papa love you very much ??????
-- Davalene
- on September 26, 2016
Beautiful Braylon! Autumn is my favorite time of the year!
-- Grandma
- on September 26, 2016
Good job Braylon! I especially love the broad brush strokes. Very powerful!
-- Grandma
- on September 26, 2016
Another GREAT Work Braylon! Nana is very proud of you. Keep making the world beautiful through your eyes! Love you...XOXO
-- Davalene
- on September 11, 2016
Braylon you never cease to amaze me with you talent! Beautiful seahorse!!! I love you so much and I'm incredibly proud of you!!! Love, Mommy.
-- Jessica
- on May 18, 2016
Wow! Braylon this is a BEAUTIFUL Seahorse. Your talent amazes me. Keep making the world beautiful with your art. Love You Very Much Nana
-- Davalene
- on May 18, 2016
I love this lion!! Braylon you are so Artistic and talented!!! You amaze me every day!!
-- Jessica
- on April 9, 2016
What a WONDERFUL job Braylon, you are SO talented! I love ALL your Artwork. I believe you will be famous some day ?? Nana & Papa love you very much!
-- Davalene
- on April 9, 2016
I really like this lion! But, I'm afraid to pet him. Good job Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on April 9, 2016
Happy Valentines Day, my little monkey! Good job on this art project. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma
- on February 9, 2016
Braylon, this is AMAZING! You are so talented! I love You Nana
-- Davalene
- on February 8, 2016
I love this Braylon!! My little Braylon Bear!!!
-- Jessica
- on February 6, 2016
Great job Braylon love your beautiful flowers. Each picture gets better and better. You may have a job as an artist in your future.
-- Yia Yia
- on February 6, 2016
Mommy just can't get over how talented you are!!! You make me so proud to be your Mommy!!! I love you!!! - Mommy
-- Jessica
- on January 23, 2016
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these flowers, Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on January 23, 2016
Braylon, I absolutely love your Artwork, these flowers would be a BEAUTIFUL Portrait. Your talent is way beyond your years! I love you Sweetheasrt. Keep creating those Master Pieces!. Huggs & Kisses Nana
-- Nan
- on January 23, 2016
This snowman is great! I really hope we get snow so we can make a snowman like this one. Good job Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on December 18, 2015
Braylon that's the very BEST Snowman I have ever seen, you have a great deal of talent we're very proud of you. Pops & Nana Love you very much!
-- Davalene
- on December 6, 2015
What an Amazing Snowman! I love it ??
-- Davalene
- on December 6, 2015
Braylon this is the most beautiful snowman I have ever seen!!! You are so incredibly talented!!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!!!
-- Mommy
- on December 4, 2015
A very colorful scarecrow! Excellent, Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on October 17, 2015
Braylon you are so talented!!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Son! I love this scarecrow!!! Love, Mommy!
- on October 13, 2015
Very powerful! Good job Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on September 23, 2015
Great job B!! You are so talented!!!!
-- Mommy
- on September 20, 2015
Braylon love your picture . It is beautiful. You are such a smart student. Papa and YiaYia are so proud of you. Love you and can't wait to see more of your great work. Good job Love Papa and YiaYia
-- Yia Yia
- on September 12, 2015
Beautiful!!! You are so talented!!! Mommy loves you!
- on September 10, 2015
Beautiful! Love this piece. Proud of you Braylon!
-- Grandma
- on September 10, 2015