ava11525's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about ava11525's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job!! We love you, Ava!!
-- Jenna
- on September 2, 2019
Wow! EXCELLENT coloring job on the rooster. I love it!!
-- Gramma/Donna
- on November 23, 2016
It will be fun to find some leaves with all these colors, won't it? I love all your colors.
-- Gramma
- on September 8, 2016
I'm thinking this is a very friendly snowgirl. I love it!
-- Gramma
- on September 8, 2016
Very nice! This looks like a good decoration for a window or door at your house!
-- Gramma
- on September 8, 2016
Wow, I love all these colors, Ava, even if I'm not very sunny in the mornings.
-- Gramma
- on September 8, 2016
What an excellent and yummy looking ice cream cone! I think I might need a bite :-)
-- Gramma
- on September 8, 2016
Great job Ava! Love, mommy!
-- Jenna
- on August 30, 2016