Oliver2199's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Oliver2199's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Loved this picture Oliver. You do great work
-- Grandma Alex
- on March 1, 2017
Good work, Oliver! Beautiful picture.
-- Bennye
- on December 19, 2015
Love your Christmas picture Oliver. You are doing really good work.
-- Grandma
- on December 18, 2015
Great picture Oliver. I am so proud of you.
-- Catherine
- on November 4, 2015
Oliver, You must have a very good art teacher. Your choice of the mix of colors make this picture pleasing to see. I hope you keep up the good work. I am very proud of you. Grandpa.
-- Jon
- on October 21, 2015
These are great colors Oliver! I am a proud mom!
-- Reena
- on October 21, 2015
Love the double light sabers. Great work Oliver love Grandma
-- Grandma
- on October 11, 2015