Jackson11503's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Jackson11503's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks so much like your favorite warm winter hat!! Such a great job!
-- Amy
- on January 2, 2018
Great picture. I love the mix of various kinds of trees on the newspaper. Super job! I am so proud of you!!
-- Sue
- on November 29, 2017
I love your lion and the story! You are amazing!!Love you!
-- Sue
- on May 17, 2017
Hi Jackson! I love your self portrait-you put so much detail in it . The glasses are perfect! You are very talented in so many areas like art, reading, math, football, baseball, being a good friend to others, and dozens more. Keep up the amazing work!! I am so very proud of you and love you very much. God bless! Grandma????????????????????????????
-- Sue
- on April 14, 2017
Great Job Jackson. Love the Rainbow color rays!!
-- Amy
- on November 8, 2016