I like this....shows interest in detail, I think?Keep up the good work. Grandma Anita -- Anita
- on October 14, 2015
Very nice. Makes me feel like going to the islands -- Norm
- on October 13, 2015
Awesome job! -- Taylor
- on October 13, 2015
Very nice Zachary...In this artwork, I envision a bridge to knowledge. Grandma Anita -- Anita
- on October 2, 2015
I love the 3D affect of your drawing. Very well done. Mom -- Mom
- on October 1, 2015
Interest in design & color - I see talent here. " very nice"! -- Grandma Anita
- on September 19, 2015
I like the creative way you combined all your different designed. I especially like the border of arrows.
- on September 13, 2015
I love the work....not fond of spiders though... like the colors and all that you drew.... great work....and spider too... -- Grandma Dee
- on September 9, 2015
This is very well done. Looks beautiful! -- Mom
- on September 6, 2015
Awesome job buddy! -- Taylor
- on September 3, 2015
very cool - seems like there are all kinds of different levels to this. Really intresting details -- DaddyO
- on September 3, 2015
I love all the patterns and color! Lots of intricate details, well done. ??mom
- on September 2, 2015
Wow! This drawing looks amazing. I especially like all the different designs that's all go together so well. It must have taken a lot of work. Great job.
- on August 29, 2015
Zac, I can't wait to see the next artwork, to see what it will look like.....G. Dee -- DeAnn