That's a beautiful pumpkin Angelina, your shading looks so professional. I think your an artist in the making. -- Anita
- on November 10, 2015
Best pumpkin ever, love you -- Nana
- on November 10, 2015
Angelina this is so cool. I loved charcoal when i was your age its so much fun to shade with and messy too! :)
- on November 5, 2015
I love this one! The shading is awesome! Love you! -mama
- on November 5, 2015
Beautiful art work Angelina, yummy... I want some. -- Grandma Anita
- on November 5, 2015
I love your pumpkin Angelina, your work is always great. Halloween is almost here.. I can't wait to see what you're going to be this year. -- Grandma Anita
- on November 5, 2015
You have been busy, I especially love Popeye, Boo Boo and Fred Flintstone?? -- Nana
- on November 5, 2015
Cute! -- Julia
- on November 5, 2015
I ?? Henry! I need to get him on a coffee cup! -- Julia
- on November 5, 2015
Aww what a sweet Palm tree?? -- Nana
- on November 5, 2015
Angelina, you are such a beautiful artist. -- Grandma Anita
- on November 5, 2015
Angelina, that is soo cute.. -- Grandma Anita
- on October 23, 2015
You must have been thirsty when you drew this one, haha! Love you -- Nana
- on October 23, 2015
Angelina, this is beautiful... You're such an artist.. -- Anita
- on October 13, 2015
You get better and better, I love you very much???? -- Karla
- on October 13, 2015
"Someone put parmesan cheese and pepper in my eye! But I'm still happy!" This is the most well drawn and polite slice of pizza ever! -- Uncle Luc
- on October 6, 2015
First thing's first, this is an awesome drawing! Second thing's second, Bear-San better watch out, because that bumble-bee has a giant stinger and Mr Bear is holding a big pot of bumble-bee baby-formula! That bumble-bee is loaded for bear! (If you've never heard the phrase, "loaded for bear" ask your dad. He'll know.) I love your drawings because they make me imagine a whole story about what is going on! -- Uncle Luc
- on October 6, 2015
Holy moly angelina! You are amazing! Must have got it from me! Love you so much! Keep it up! -- Sarah
- on October 6, 2015
Very sweet, haha -- Nana
- on October 1, 2015
I think this is my favorite! -- Nana
- on October 1, 2015
Beautiful Angelina, as always. Keep up the great work. -- Grandma Anita
- on October 1, 2015
This my favorite so far! I really hope Henry is just the first in a whole series of Amazing Mice?? This is just a suggestion, but maybe you could draw an Amazing Mouse named Beauregard. He's from France. Or maybe one named Geraldine. I kinda feel like she might be a lady-mouse from California in the mid-1800s. You know, gold rush times! Keep it up! It's fun to see all your new stuff. Love ya -- Lucas
- on September 23, 2015
Angelina your art work is so cute. -- Grandma Anita
- on September 23, 2015
Love it Ana! -- Nana
- on September 15, 2015
That is the cutest pizza I've ever seen! -- Nana
- on September 15, 2015
Great job Angelina. So cute. -- Anita
- on September 7, 2015
Beautiful Angelina... Just like you -- Anita
- on September 7, 2015
Wow! love this one. I saw the work in progress but this is the first time I've seen it complete! Awesome job!!! Love you!
- on September 5, 2015
You are the best, keep on working you will be as good as your mama! -- Nana
- on September 5, 2015
Beautiful Flowers Angelina!!! -- Julia
- on September 3, 2015
I love it!! Keep up the good work -- Nana
- on September 3, 2015
Ana, this is beautiful -- Nana
- on August 28, 2015
I love it! -- Nana
- on August 28, 2015
I love your Art Angelina, I'm going to put some more of this on my refrigerator. -- Anita
- on August 28, 2015
Yummy!!! That ice cream looks so delicious!!! -- Julia
- on September 5, 2015
You ares such a creative little girl! Awesome job Angelina!! Love Mom