Izzie, once again you've created something that is totally you...I love your use of color and design. -- Sarah (Grammy)
- on May 13, 2015
Very nicely painted aquatic sculpture, Izzie. -- William
- on May 12, 2015
- on May 11, 2015
Izzie, I think you are so talented and I love your choice of colors and how you use them. I look forward to seeing more of your artwork. -- Sarah
- on May 11, 2015
Izzie, I really like your art work. It's so colorful and lively. Nana -- Laura
- on May 7, 2015
This expresses your personality! Very fun and colorful!
- on May 6, 2015
Beautiful colors and lines! Such creativity and talent!!
- on May 6, 2015
Izzie, Just saw the portrait, again, very nice image. Working in watercolor is difficult but you seem to have a command over the medium. -- William
- on May 6, 2015
Izzie62, What a beautiful drawing, very nice design, composition and use of color. You are definitely multi-talented, keep up the good work. -- William
- on May 6, 2015
Izzie's artwork is beautiful and I'm happy to be one of her fans. Looking forward to seeing more of her artwork. -- Sarah