Rahm4's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Rahm4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Rahm, It is great artwork. we would love to see the artist at work...to watch the process of drawing, forming and coloring. Thank you, Love Su"s
-- Rina
- on May 8, 2019
Rahm my love, Thank you for the new art work! I see it as a very interesting and mysterious story. The figures climbing up the the castle searching for a treasure which is probably hidden somewhere in the highest tower.... See, your drawing awakes my imagination and it feels great. Keep up your art work!!! Hugs Savta Rina
-- Rina
- on February 13, 2019
Rahm our love, What an interesting combination of shapes and colours - blue, brown and yellow. Keep up your creative, mysteries and artistic work. Love Saba & Savta
-- Rina
- on May 9, 2018
dear Rahmchic- your painting reminded me of a painter i love very much - George Brak, a french artist who was one of the founders of the cubism school in art with the great pablo picasso. keep going like this. love you and i am sure that you will enjoy the vacation in Paris with all the great artists in the beautiful museums. Hadassafta
-- Hadas
- on April 11, 2018
Rahm our Love, We liked your work so much so we bought a cup with your painting and we drink our coffee using that cup. Keep up your artistic work, Love Saba and Savta
-- Rina
- on January 17, 2018
Dear Rahm, although I'm far away and don't see you on a daily base, by following your art work I feel as if I'm watching your growth and artistic developement and this makes me very happy, and the existing distance become smailler. I like this drawing although it's a bit sad. wish you all the best, and further joy from what you're doing, Love Hadasavta.
-- Hadas
- on October 25, 2017
Rahm, wow! This art work makes me feel like in a dream. It is gentle but powerful. The sun at the sky's corner is promising a good wake up and a good day. Thank you and keep up your wonderful, creative and imaginary art work. Love you so much, Savta and Saba
-- Rina
- on October 18, 2017
Dearest Rahm, Wow! It is a great work of art, so colorful, detailed and perspective oriented. Keep up your creative work. Love you so much, Savta Rina
-- Rina
- on July 12, 2017
Wow Rahm...It feels like floating in a dream! Many figures, rocket, space ship, animals and plants are dancing, climbing, flying... it is so lively, interesting and colorful as you used red and green and some yellow... Dearest Rahm continue to do your Art! It is a great way to express your feelings and creative talents... Love you so much, Savta R. & Saba M.
-- Rina
- on January 25, 2017
Rahm our love, Wow! It is a great artwork - so colorful, expressive, bright, happy and in movement...it reflects your beautiful world of music and imagination... Keep up your wonderful creative work and enjoy it. Thank you for sharing your work with us. We send you a big and colorful hug, Savta and Saba Rina and Micha
-- Rina
- on November 16, 2016
Dear Rahm, it is very difficult to choose which art work I like best. they are all wonderful and very interesting. I wish I had a copy of all of them, mainly in the form of cards, so I can share my joy with others and spread the notion about your art works, among people I love. All my love and more to you and your paintings, Hugs and kisses Loving you Granny Hadas
-- Hadas
- on November 16, 2016
Dearest Rahm, Thank you for sharing with us your interesting artwork. We hope you will tell us your story behind the figures shown on the painting, Till than we are inventing our own story... Keep up your great work which is, in this piece of artwork, a dramatic scene of people riding a bicycle on the road to... Love you so much, Grandma Rina and Grandpa Micha
-- Rina
- on October 20, 2016
Rahm, Wow!!! It is so powerful like a rock music... Loved it very much, Savta Rina
-- Rina
- on June 23, 2016
Dear Ramchik, I enjoyed and liked your new artworks. The imagination, choice of materials and colors, are very cheerful and artistic. Keep doing these wonderful things! Much love and a pleasent vacation, and a happy new year Grandma Hadas
-- Grandma Hadas
- on December 28, 2015
Rahm my love It is a wonderful and colorful piece of art and it looks like a work of Lego... love you and miss you, Savta Rina
-- Rina
- on December 24, 2015
Dearest Rahm, It is a great work of art...thanks to you my imagination went in to the world of green and good dinosaurs... love you so much, Grandma Rina
-- Rina
- on December 6, 2015
What a joy to watch an artist developing. Love, Hadassavta
-- hadas
- on December 6, 2015
Great job! Keep doing art it is a wonderful way to know yourself and the world, to see it, to learn about it and to enjoy it. Love you, Grandma
-- Rina
- on November 8, 2015