Jaxon1396's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Jaxon1396's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jaxon, I love you’re colors, waiting to get ready for spring! It’s getting ready for you spring birthday! Grandma
-- Lynn
- on January 31, 2018
Nice one, Jax! I enjoy seeing all of your artwork. Keep up the good work.
-- Karen
- on January 31, 2018
Jaxon, I like your use of the blue and white which are police colors in many communities. Very creative design of the police station and jail. I enjoy seeing your artwork, and I look forward to your next creation. Keep up the good work.
-- Karen
- on November 1, 2017
I like the colors, and I like the "J" prominent in the artwork. Thanks for sharing your work with us. We really appreciate it. Sam & Karen
-- Karen
- on July 5, 2017
Jaxon, I love seeing your artwork. Keep up the good work.
-- Karen
- on July 5, 2017
good one buddy! love the title. very basquiat.
-- Jayce
- on December 14, 2016
Jaxon, I look forward to seeing your artwork. Keep up the good work. Karen
-- Karen
- on March 30, 2016
Jaxon, I love your art work. You are so creative. Love, Grandma
-- Lynn
- on December 3, 2015
Jaxon This is a great picture. It reminds me of South Dakota Keep up the good work
-- Jerry
- on December 7, 2015
This is an excellent picture. It reminds me of something you would see in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
-- Jerry
- on December 7, 2015
Jaxon, I love this picture. It looks like an upside down flower garden. You are a very good artis
-- Grandma
- on October 30, 2015
I think your artwork is beautiful, Jaxon. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
-- Karen
- on October 29, 2015
Jaxon What a great picture I love the colors The yellow looks like a person looking down
-- grandpa
- on October 28, 2015
This is fantastic Jax!!
-- Aunt Lolo
- on October 28, 2015
I think it looks awesome!
- on October 28, 2015