jocl1's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about jocl1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like how you used the colors and your interpretation of a goldfish. Fish are not easy to draw but this is a very good attempt at it. Keep up the good work . mom.
- on June 8, 2009
It is intresting to see how Joey views what a farm should look like. Also for his age it is intresting to see how they include perspsective drawing and there use of distance i like the colors and his perspective on it keep up the good work. mom.
- on June 8, 2009
I can see how much you are improving each year on your artwork. Keep up the good work. It is intresting the colors you chose to use. Also the way you desiged the face and the shapes you use are a very intresting combination. Keep up the good work. mom
- on June 8, 2009
For being in second grade it is intresting to see how kids view what an alien should be compared to what people say aliens should look like i think it is a very intresting how he used the diffrent colors Also to see how much he is improving each year. mom
- on June 8, 2009
Joey For having looked at a picture and done this freehanded that is exceptionally good work. You have a special talent so keep working on it . The family is vry proud fo you. Keep up the good work. Mom
- on June 8, 2009
I like the color scheme and realism in this picture. Keep up the good work. You have natural talent.
- on June 8, 2009
I am so proud of this picture. How creative. Great Grandma True would have been so proud of you. She always loved to draw. Grandma Barbara
- on June 8, 2009
WOW!!! great job joey, you bird is great. i like the bird against the green. good choice of colors. jenny :)
- on June 8, 2009
You did a great job on this project. You did an excellent job choosing out and putting the color combinations together. Keep up the great work.
- on June 8, 2009
dear joey, i am so proud of your mask. i love all of the colors and creativity of the different shapes you used. love, grandma clifford
- on June 8, 2009
joey, great job. jenny
- on June 8, 2009
It is real nice how he used light colors in the picture and how he used the space to illustrate distance with the chick in front and the farmer andthe house in the back and the rainbow really brings it all together.
- on May 19, 2006
Very interesting and creative. Joey has a good imagination and did a good job with his alien.
-- from Aunt Val
- on May 19, 2006
Joey your art work keeps improving all the time. It is nice to see you using your talent and imagination. That is a good picture of your pet fish.
-- from mom
- on December 15, 2005
Great job on your painting! I am very proud of you.
-- from Miss Siwicki
- on December 15, 2005
I find it intresting how he used a combination of clay and paint and the vibrant colors make it very intresting to look at and the title describes it well sunshine.
-- from mom
- on May 27, 2005
I think it is intresting to see how the children view themselves. I have seen a big improvement in his art and how much it has impropved in kindergarden from when they started to when they finished
-- from mom
- on May 27, 2005
I think it is intresting to see how creative the drawing is and how jocl views how a house should be built through the eyes of a kindergardner.
-- from mom
- on May 27, 2005
hey dude, you're getting much better. keep it up. aunt jenny
-- from aunt jenny
- on February 15, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on May 24, 2004
You did a really good job. Also you showed a lot of creativity. Congratulations on a job well done.
-- from Aunt Val
- on May 7, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on April 14, 2004