Adam10757's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Adam10757's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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COOL Hand!! It looks kind of like a flag. Your Admirer again
- on June 2, 2015
This must be your hand as a laptop computer. What is the yellow surrounding it? I like all your art. You have a special talent. Maybe you will be a famous artist one day. You probably have a lot of other talents also. From, your Admirer
- on June 2, 2015
I like this one!! Are the buildings different colors because they are in Charelston , S.C. or at a beach somewhere? Was there a hurricane or something, because of the building windows, bent trees and green highway? The sky is colorful, like it is in the morning sunrise. The weather hasn't been that great here in Texas, but we were blessed as to be in an area that wasn't affected much. Hope to see you all again soon. Andrew wants to Skype or Oovoo with you soon. Have your mom call me so we can chat and see each other that way and you and Andrew can play games together. Have a great summer and we will hopefully see you soon. Love, Uncle Jim
- on June 2, 2015
How artistic you are becoming!!!! Now Grandpa and I can't decide which we like the best. It's between this Greek sculpture, the Patriotic Hand, and the Landscape, although the Zombie and Dogs are impressive also. All of your art shows improvement and how talented you are. Love, Grammy and Grandpa
- on June 2, 2015
GREAT GREEK VASE!!! How cool!!! I always knew you were artistic...Keep it up even in your free time...Photography is a form of art...You are very good at that also. Love, Mom
- on June 2, 2015
I LOVE IT!!! It looks like a patriotic hand flag...Attention to detail is extremely important in art and everything else in life. I love you, Mom
- on June 2, 2015
VERY COOL patriotic hand!!! You are getting very good!!! Grandpa and I are extremely proud of you!!! Love, Grammy
- on June 2, 2015
Great picture!!! I just looked at this one and your others today. What type of dogs are these? You are becoming very artistic!!! Keep it up...Being artistic is fun and shows your creative side. Love, Mom
- on June 2, 2015
WOW!!!! What a fantastic piece of art on dogs!!!! What gave you the inspiration? You must really love dogs. I do too. Why did you color them blue? I really like it and you. From, your Admirer
- on June 2, 2015
VERY impressive dog art!!! Why did you choose blue and brown? Just wondering what your artist mind was thinking...Great work!!! Love, Grammy
- on June 2, 2015
You really have shown a variety in your techniques. I still like the trees best. The light coming through the trees and shadows on the ground really draw your attention.Hope you take art again next year. Love Grammy
-- Grammy
- on May 19, 2015
- on April 15, 2015
Excellent self portrait!!! I love your use of colors!!! Keep up the good work... Love Always, Grammy
- on April 15, 2015
WHOE cool dude!! A dancing zombie!!!! Very far out ... How did you make him or her? Great work!!!!!
- on April 9, 2015
What the artist you are becoming! I love the detail in your landscape and hope to see you again soon!! Love, Mary
- on April 9, 2015
VERY creative heart! I wonder how you made that. I would love to know your technique!! Admirer
- on April 9, 2015
The landscape is my favorite, but the zombie is very creative!!! Keep up the great work!!! Love, Grammy
- on April 9, 2015
Extremely creative Zombie!!! I love your imagery!!! Great sculpture...Wow!!! Love always, Me
- on April 8, 2015
Great picture Adam!!! I am very impressed with the colors and detail you are starting to show in your portraits. The buildings, river, grass, mountains and sky show effort in your work. I think you have a talent you may not have been aware of. Keep up the good work!!! Love, Mom
- on March 23, 2015
Adam, great picture!!! Keep up the good work!!! Love, Grammy and Grandpa
- on March 23, 2015
Keep up the good work We love you!!
-- Grammy
- on March 14, 2015
WOW! Very impressive landscape painting of trees. You are becoming quite an artist! Keep on striving for detail. Take your time. A great artist notices things that could be added before completing his or her masterpiece. People may stare in awe of the greatness and notice things that the artist has added to it that at first they didn't see. There is a meaning that every artist wants to portray. You should be very proud of your artwork. I sure am, and I know that everyone else is too!
- on March 5, 2015
Excellent portrait! It doesn't quite look like you since you are a Caucasian not an Afro-American. I wish I had your first self portrait also.
- on March 5, 2015