A portrait artist! CONGRATULATIONS! That is a good job! I like portraits, especially American Indian faces. Nice work overall. Children's faces are difficult but you, Lady artist, really captured a happy child's face. Keep up the GOOD work!
- Gene on November 27, 2024
NICE! Working with 3 dimensions can be fun and, at the same time, scary. Your work shows an ability to handle all that! I like your choices for textures and placement. I like the monotone selection also. GOOD JOB and GREAT WORK! ... Again!
- Gene on November 27, 2024
Well done and nicely composed young lady artist! Good color choices too! The Halloween theme is well expressed and I like the little black book under the ghost! VERY NICE!!
- Gene on October 23, 2024
Well DONE young lady - keep up the good work. Nice placement on the paper and a good choice for the technique and medium. You are an artist!
- Gene on October 5, 2024
Once again you amaze me kiddo! This made me think of Andrew Lloyd Wright’s architecture drawings!! ???????? You are doing great things!!!
- Lara on November 25, 2021
Good Job Girl! That is a lot of lines with really cool accents (Vines and Trees). Very nice forced perspective with a tilt to the horizon. Very WELL DONE!
- Gene on November 25, 2021
Now that is a lot of very good work young lady artist! You put a lot of things into this drawing to help establish the perspective. Very well done indeed!
- Gene on November 10, 2021
This is so cool! I’m wondering if you used your extra fine pens. You are really cranking out some great art kiddo. I love the details in the art piece on the wall in this. Well done!
- Lara on November 10, 2021
This is wonderful! Great work with colors and the contrast of light and dark! Good work with hard and soft edges! Way to get it done young lady artist!
- Gene on October 16, 2021
OMGOODNESS, that is AMAZING!! I love the color choices and work in the folds of the pedals. You managed to give it so much dimension and depth, yet it looks so light and touchable. WELL done YOU!
- Lara on October 16, 2021
It’s fall y’all! Again, good eye for the details in this. You’re really cranking out some great stuff Chickey!!!
- Lara on September 30, 2021
Nice way to capture the gills of the mushroom - good eye for details Chickey !!
- Lara on September 30, 2021
I love this!!! The way you got the shine on the teapot… You amaze me Chickey!
- Lara on September 30, 2021
Well done - Size and tones move the front one closer than the lighter one. Good work!
- Gene on September 30, 2021
- Gene on September 30, 2021
Well done young lady artist! Nicely done indeed! Great work with the shading and light playing with dark tones. Very interesting work with the folds!
- Gene on September 30, 2021
I like this one too! It makes me feel calm, just like walking in a garden. Good stuff Chickey
- Lara on September 18, 2021
You’re doing great things here… I may have to commission you to do a piece for me.
- Lara on September 18, 2021
This is amazing!!! I’m not so good at shading, always learning. I’m impressed with the details of this one.
- Lara on September 18, 2021
I like it!!! Well done Chickey!
- Lara on September 18, 2021
My favorite fruit drawn by one of my most favorite people! You did a great job with this series of drawings.
- Lara on September 18, 2021
Nicely done - great spring and shadow work!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
What a nut!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Very good work on the shape and shadow!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Very well done still-life - nice work on the shading!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Way to get it done!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Strawberry goodness!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Good work!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Very well done!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Nice work young lady artist!
- Gene(fan) on September 18, 2021
Great job young lady Watercolorist! Good work on the foreground and the background! NICE!
- Gene on May 26, 2021
Nicely done… the intensity of the eyes is great. I like the way you were able to show texture in the hair. Good job! You’re gonna have to get some frames for these from that Uncle in CA. ??
- Lara on May 19, 2021
Wow!! You are cranking out some super art pieces here chickey. ?? I am impress with way you captured the eyes. You’re doing great!
- Lara on May 19, 2021
Nicely done young lady artist. Great work on emphasizing her eyes and where they are in this work. Nice hair and great use of soft shades to form this face. You do very nice work!
- Gene on May 14, 2021
Another well done artistic work. Way to go Girl! Nice work with subtle and soft shadows and great use of highlights. You got the gift and you use it very well! Good job on the hair!
- Gene on May 14, 2021
Interesting still life using darks (objects and shadows) and lights on some objects to make your art work appealing. Very well done, little lady artist!
- Gene on April 1, 2021
Very nicely done! Well composed! Stippled sky with heavy bottomed clouds is a nice contrast with the linear wave lines supporting sailboats. It is a nice done line drawing of Van Gogh's Les Saintes Maries de la Mer paintings! Very nicely done!
- Gene on February 22, 2021
This is nice, I really like the line work on the top and bottom. You are building up quite the portfolio of artworks. ?? Keep it up my sweet girl - you’re awesome! ??
- Lara on February 22, 2021
Very nice Abigail... he is one of my favorites for some of his works. I really like how you used thin or thick lines to create movement. ???? Well done kiddo!! ??
- Lara on February 22, 2021
Very well done, nice clear lines and layout, simple statement in black and white, very well done indeed!
- Gene on February 3, 2021
Nice work on the one point perspective! I like the color palette you chose for this one. You are doing some great stuff, you should be proud! -- Lara
- on June 9, 2019
Very interesting "one-point" approach and subject matter young Artist! Good spacial selections and very good color scheme. WELL DONE! -- Gene
- on June 9, 2019
Nicely done chickey!! Hands are always so hard for me... you did a great job! -- Lara
- on May 16, 2019
This is a great use of negative space! I love the way you did her hair!! Very nick kiddo! You’re very impressive ???? -- Lara
- on May 16, 2019
Very minimalist approach that is exceptional for your subject - great layout and use of spacial relationships - excellent work young lady artist! -- GENE
- on May 16, 2019
A future Michaelangelo is budding! Very nicely done little lady artist! Good placement and use of space in this art work! -- Gene
- on May 1, 2019
Great color selection - warm tones against a cool blue sky - good job Little Lady Artist! -- Gene
- on April 5, 2019
Way to get it done! Nicely balanced, good use of muted colors and lines! You are doing great Artist! -- Gene
- on April 5, 2019
Hey Artist, Good work! I like it! Nicely balanced and use of tones in your work. Good Work! -- Gene
- on April 5, 2019
Is this a self portrait? I think it might be. I like they way you created movement in the hair, and the purple background. I really like the way you are using shading. Well done! -- Lara
- on February 22, 2019
I love this time of year because we get to see all your great artworks. I really like your color choices in this one. -- Lara
- on February 22, 2019
The essence of a young lady artist - very well done and a great use of balanced space - very good work Artist! -- Gene
- on February 22, 2019
Excellent use and balance of colors - very good work Artist! -- Gene
- on February 13, 2019
Wow! Nice job there chickey!!! You’re really getting good at this art thing. ?? I like the perspective and the title. Well done! -- Lara
- on January 31, 2019
Hey - way to go - Good work and very interesting limbs. Nice use of "white space". Keep it up artist! -- Gene
- on January 31, 2019
This is VERY cool kid. I’m am so impressed with your artistic talents. Maybe the next time one you come see me we can go to a museum together. You’re amazing ??????. -- Lara
- on January 27, 2018
Very clever artwork in clay or something like clay! Interesting designs and composition! Good Job Artist! -- Gene
- on January 27, 2018
Way to get it done! Great Job Artist! Good color selection and design! Keep up the great artwork! -- Gene
- on January 27, 2018
What a cool mask. I really like the way you make the stripes run at opposite angles. You always choose such great color combinations. Really great job kiddo!! -- Lara
- on January 27, 2018
Nicely done kiddo! You’re doing some great sufff. So proud of you! -- Lara
- on January 27, 2018
Old George himself! Way to do some fancy hair and shadows! Good work Artist! -- Gene
- on December 13, 2017
I knew exactly where this was as soon as I saw it!! You are doing amazing things kiddo, I’m very impressed! I love the shading of the water, and the color. Great job!! -- Lara
- on December 6, 2017
You did it again! Great work! Great perspective, trees and the Taj Mahal! You have a very good eye for a young artist! Keep up the good artwork! -- Gene
- on November 26, 2017
Great Work! Nicely interpreted and very impressionistic! Excellent use of color, tones and saturation. The "red" calligraphy is a bold move. Wonderful work and good composition. Keep doing this Artist! -- Gene
- on November 26, 2017
Once again, GREAT WORK! Very good dragon placed very well on your vase! Good detail work that helps the vase look round like a ball! Keep it up, artist! -- GENE
- on November 2, 2017
Kiddo, I’m SO impressed with your artwork and your abilities. You’re doing some great things. I really like the dragon on this piece. It is impressive how you were able to show the curve of the object. Nicely done!!!! -- Lara
- on November 2, 2017
Kiddo, I LOVE this one!!! You know my middle name starts with a n A. I love the colors you chose and the placement of the A. You are very good a creating art that flows, and is well designed. GREAT JOB!!! -- Lara
- on October 12, 2017
Another excellent piece of art! Good job! I like your choice of colors and your placement of that great "A"! Way to get the job done Artist! -- Gene
- on October 12, 2017
Wonderful! Good Work! Nicely done, with good colors and symmetry! Keep up the good work, Artist. -- Gene
- on October 12, 2017
This is just so too look at! Your colors are so bright and complementary. I really like the way you are choosing colors for your artwork. This piece makes me smile. You are doing some very impressive work here, keep it up! -- Lara
- on October 12, 2017
I'm so excited to see this latest piece you did after we talked about it. I really like the colors you used and the shading. You're doing amazing thing kiddo!! I'm so proud of you! -- Lara
- on September 24, 2017
Very Nice! Good Job! Good perspective and I like shadow side. Well done! Good color choices! Keep up the good work Artist! -- Gene
- on September 24, 2017
What a GREAT job you did with the shading!! It is a difficult thing to remember or imagine where the light is coming from so that your shadows are correctly placed. Well done! You're becoming quite the artist!! I'm so proud of you and your artwork. -- Lara
- on September 10, 2017
Well done Artist! Nice elliptical shapes and shadows included, GOOD JOB! -- Gene
- on September 10, 2017
I like this free form bowl. It's has a great shape. I like the way the edges are sorry of lace-like. I'm impressed that you seem to be very good at ALL forms of artistic expression!! You are doing amazing work, keep going! -- Lara
- on June 21, 2017
A very interesting free form bowl you created! Good work and a great bowl! It looks like you gave the bowl a great base! Way to get it done! -- Gene
- on June 4, 2017
Vincent must be very pleased with your interpretation - it is very well done. GOOD JOB! Keep up the good work ... AND i like your colors! -- Gene
- on June 4, 2017
I knew that was you as soon as I saw the portrait! Very nicely done! I like your selection of colors. You are our family artist! -- Gene
- on June 4, 2017
Self portraits are a difficult thing to to Abigail, you did a good job. I really like the way you created your hair! Good job! -- Lara
- on June 4, 2017
I like your color choices in this one. I really like the light from the ceiling. You did a lot of detail in this one! Great Job!!! -- Lara
- on June 4, 2017
Another wonderful work of art. Good job! Nice selection of colors and a very interesting perspective! Keep up the great work and good ideas! -- Gene
- on June 4, 2017
You did an excellent job on this Abigail. Nice line work... and that is not easy to do. I'm so impressed with you! -- Lara
- on April 27, 2017
You did a great job on the vase, I like the flower patter that you did. VERY nice Abigail!!! -- Lara
- on April 27, 2017
I like this... one of my favorites that you have done in awhile. Good Job!!! -- Lara
- on April 27, 2017
I love this one Abigail!!! I really like the colors that you picked. Nice shading too. -- Lara
- on April 27, 2017
Very well done, young artist! Good choice of a complimentary color scheme that is a little dark and yet brightens up with glimpses of light. Very well done indeed! -- Gene
- on April 27, 2017
GREAT JOB!! Aunt Suzanne and I believe you are doing some wonderful artwork.We like the animals and the waterfall! -- Gene
- on April 20, 2017
Way to go Abagail! Your art work and colors are great! I really like the apple reflection on the side of the pitcher! GREAT WORK! -- Gene
- on March 12, 2017
Hey Abigail! Great work on this Green Apple! Great color choice for the background and the apple! Your shadows work very well! Very NICE!!! -- Gene
- on March 12, 2017
Hey Abigail; Great work interpreting a Navaho Rug! Great color selection too! -- Gebe
- on March 12, 2017
Great Colosseum! I went to see it and this looks like it! Keep up the good and creative work! -- Gene
- on March 12, 2017
Great and GOOD JOB Abigail - that pillar is excellent. Keep up the creative work! -- Gene
- on January 25, 2017
I knew exactly what you were studying when I saw this picture! I love the vase you created!! Your cherry blossoms are really well done. Good job kiddo!?? -- Aunt Lara
- on May 31, 2016
Very well done - Chinese vases are not easy to do - this one is wonderful! Good job on picking colors! -- Gene
- on May 31, 2016
Very nicely done Abagail, great clouds and very good color choices for the buildings and landscape. Keep up the great art work! -- Gene
- on May 22, 2016
I love the mood of this one. Nicely done!! Good use of a color palette to create an overall piece of art! -- Aunt Lara
- on May 22, 2016
This reminds me of some of my favorite artists. Your Great Uncle Gene and Monet. Your doing great stuff here kiddo! Keep at it! -- Aunt Lara
- on May 22, 2016
I really like this one. You can almost feel the velveteen of the rabbit. I like the way you are able to demonstrate texture in this piece. Great job!! ?? -- Aunt Lara
- on May 22, 2016
Nicely done - reminds me of petroglyphs - good colors! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Good Work! Great colors and layout. Very brave abstract art! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Nice work - even a shadow! Very good color scheme! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Very nice Swan! Great work! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Nice work! Great colors! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Very nice! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Good job on the color selection and layout! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Another great portrait! Nice colors for the lady! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
GOOD JOB! Great color choices and nicely done! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Great portrait! Good colors to look like an old photograph! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Hey - way to go on pushing the color scheme, very nicely done and well composed! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Nicely done - very interesting layout - good color scheme! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Very nice work - and good choices on the colors! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Way to do an Egyptian, good colors! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Another one Vincent Van Gogh would like! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Vincent Van Gogh would be very pleased with this! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Nicely done! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Great work on this owl, and good color choices too! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
Great color choices! Very nice! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
I really like your water lilies - very nice! -- Gene
- on April 29, 2016
GREAT COLOR! Very nicely done and a great subject! -- Gene