Skylar3944's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Skylar3944's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Skylar Love your mask of Minnie! Xoxoxo
- Gigi on December 11, 2019
Oh Skylar What a fascinating piece of art. You did such a beautiful job creating this mask . All the different designs and colors come together as a person! WOW! Proud of you....
-- Gigi
- on November 6, 2019
Love how you captured Bold with colors! Good job Skylar.
-- Gigi
- on November 6, 2019
Love your treasure map! I wonder if I will find the treasure ??????xo
-- Gigi
- on October 24, 2018
Sky, What a symmetrical piece of art! Great job xo
-- Gigi
- on December 6, 2017
Skylar, I love this piece of art. The bright colors and the three dimensional spider on top of the web is very unique or unusual. I really admire a lot of your artwork, except for the wrinkles on my portrait the other night. XOXOX, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 14, 2016
Skylar I love the bright colors and the three dimensional effect of the spider on the web. You do an amazing job on a lot of your art. XOXOX, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 14, 2016
What a great job Skylar!!!!
-- Gigi
- on November 23, 2016
WOW!!!!!!!! This is a fabulous work of art , Skyar. I am so proud of you.
-- Gigi
- on November 23, 2016
Great Job, Skylar!
-- auntie paula
- on November 16, 2016
Love this!
-- Amie
- on November 11, 2016
I can feel the warm and cool colors from your drawing!love auntie paula
-- auntie paula
- on October 26, 2016
Hi Skylar, Your drawing is FABULOUS! I love the warm/cool colors that you chose. And...I especially love the beautiful smiling girl reading under the tree(I think she looks like you)...:) Love you
- on October 5, 2016
Your artwork has made the world a more beautiful place!!!! xoxo
-- Gigi
- on March 24, 2016
I love your beautiful lupine flowers art piece. The different colors on the flowers make them look very real. So proud of you. Love, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 24, 2016
Sweet Skylar, I just viewed your "heartart" and they are beautiful!
-- auntie paula
- on February 25, 2016
Skylar, she is happy and full of life. I love this creation.Auntie Paula
-- paula
- on February 25, 2016
This is a fabulous future self portrait!!!!! I hope you win a lot of money so you can buy dinner for your friends. You are amzing and I love love love your art work and you!!!!!
-- Gigi
- on January 30, 2016
Skylar, I love the way you placed the dishes and silverware!! It looks just like our Thanksgiving family dinner at Gigi's house.... Love you Gigi
-- Gigi
- on December 24, 2015
Skylar I love your Monster art. He is so expressive!!!! I love you and you are very talented. xoxoxo
-- Gigi
- on October 31, 2015
Skylar, your Monster is all suited up for Trick or Treat. You made him just in time for his favorite day! Great job! love, auntie paula
-- Paula
- on October 31, 2015
Skylar, I can see all the beauty of Spring in your colorful flower. love Auntie Paula
-- Paula
- on April 26, 2015
Skylar, I can see all the beauty of spring in your flower of beautiful color. love, auntie paula
-- auntie paula
- on April 26, 2015
Love the colors in your beautiful flower art....I love you. xoxo
-- Gigi
- on April 24, 2015
Skylar, I love your flower artwork!!! It is quite beautiful and just in time for Spring. You are so talented so keep up the great work and I love you. xoxo
-- Gigi
- on April 24, 2015
Skylar, You did such a great job !!! Your reflections are perfecto!!!! I think some day we will see your artwork hanging in museums all over the world. Love you xoxoxo
-- Gigi
- on March 26, 2015
Your picture of the building reflections is really neat. I love all the bright colors and I love you!!!
-- Grammy
- on March 26, 2015
Skylar. You are a beautiful artist... I love you and I hope you have more artwork for the family to see on artsonia. Your drawings make me so very happy.. xoxo
-- Gigi
- on March 13, 2015
Skylab, Grammy loves this picture of the farm with the neat chickens. I am so proud of you and how hard you work at school. XOXOX, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 13, 2015
I just love Skylar's art work!! She is a very talented little girl. The pigs looked so happy... Love
-- Gigi
- on March 5, 2015
Skylar, I loved seeing the flag you drew on my Kindle. I am so very proud of you and how hard you try to learn at school. I love you and miss you. I am in a hurry to see you when I get home Easter week. XOXOX, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 3, 2015