Marcie, I love your Pointillism! I think you did a wonderful job of suggesting an image using lots of white space and color. Beautiful! -- Auntie Sara
- on May 16, 2018
Looks like a beautifully colorful interpretation of the mountains in Germany. Love it! -- Auntie Sara
- on April 11, 2018
I love the combination of right brain and left brain. Bright colors and shapes make math even more fun! -- Auntie Sara
- on April 11, 2018
This is a very interesting piece. At first glance, it reminded me of a colorful flower bush at night time. This one needs a frame! -- Andi
- on April 11, 2018
So cheerful....I love all things rainbow! -- Andi
- on April 11, 2018
I love the one with the heart. Lillian Grandma Lil -- Lillian
- on March 7, 2018
Is the weaving painting a watercolor? It's a great combination of colors and patterns. -- Auntie Sara
- on February 11, 2018
Beautiful color combinations, Marcie. I love the patchwork design too. -- Rita
- on January 10, 2018
This is great, Marcie! It looks like the mountains here in Germany! -- Autie Sara
- on December 13, 2017
Wow, this is such a colorful piece! I love it. -- Autie Sara
- on December 13, 2017
Love the colors. Reminds me of the earth, all the different people who live on it. -- Grandma Lil
- on November 21, 2017
Loved the art work. What do the arrow mean? Is the sun being damaged by air pollution? A good piece of art to use for our environment. -- Lillian
- on September 20, 2017
These remind me of your cousin John Parot's artwork! He likes geometric shapes too. Well done! -- Auntie Andi
- on September 20, 2017
I love ALL the colors too Marcie! -- Auntie Andi
- on September 20, 2017
Love this! I am learning to use watercolors too Marcie. You did a really nice job of blending them. -- Auntie Andi
- on September 20, 2017
What a beautiful representation of the sun, Marcie! The colors are vibrant and lovely, like you! -- Aunt Sara
- on September 20, 2017
Wow, Marcie, this is such a strong piece. I love that you've let white dominate this one. It makes it feel like the circles are expanding and reminds me of the eye of a tornado. Lovely! -- Auntie Sara
- on May 31, 2017
Such a colorful, happy picture, Marcie! I love the symmetry and the choice of colors! -- Auntie Sara
- on March 22, 2017
Love the white snow and blue sky and the yellow-costumed ice skater. Beautiful colors. Grandma Lil -- Lillian
- on February 1, 2017
Beautiful, Marcie. -- Grandma Rita
- on January 25, 2017
Love the bold colors Marcie. -- Auntie Andi
- on January 25, 2017
I love how everyone is smiling! Nice work. -- Auntie Andi
- on January 25, 2017
Marcie, this is SO cute! Are these your classmates? XOXO -- Auntie Sara
- on January 18, 2017
Great Picture!!! xoxoxo Grandma Lil -- Lillian
- on January 18, 2017
So cute, Marcie. -- Grandma Rita
- on January 18, 2017
I love that the clouds, flowers, and trees are smiling! Very nice picture, Marcie! -- Auntie Sara
- on January 9, 2017
This is so cool. It reminds me impressionist paintings: Very small dots make up a very big scene. Love the colors, Marcie! -- Auntie Sara
- on November 21, 2016
Wow, these look like some realistic portrayals of emotions, Marcie! I think I see happiness, sadness, and maybe fear? Portraying emotion is the mark of a true artist, so well done, Marcie! -- Auntie Sara
- on November 21, 2016
I like your color choices, Marcie! -- Mom
- on November 14, 2016
Nice work, Marcie! -- Dad
- on November 14, 2016
I see a smiley face, a sad face and a I'm-not-sure face. xoxoxo Lillian a.k.a Grandma Lil -- Lillian
- on November 14, 2016
So cute -- Grandma Rita
- on November 14, 2016
Love. Love. Love this latest piece of artwork. xoxoxo Grandma Lil -- Lillian
- on October 31, 2016
Stairway to rainbow :) -- Auntie Andi
- on October 31, 2016
Wonderful colors, Marcie! We LOVE this piece! -- Auntie Sara
- on October 31, 2016
Loved the gorgeous bracelets. So colorful!! -- Lillian
- on October 22, 2016
Marcie's beautiful clay bead jewelry -- Laura
- on October 9, 2016
I just love this piece of artwork. It is so beautiful!!! Deserves to be in a museum. xoxoxo Grandma Lil -- Grandma Lil
- on October 2, 2016
Self portrait? Marcie you should do one every year to see how your techniques change. -- Auntie Andi
- on October 2, 2016
Makes me think of Willie Wonka's Candy Factory! Yummy. -- Auntie Andi
- on October 2, 2016
Tic tac toe with a colorful twist! -- Auntie Andi
- on October 2, 2016
I will call this 'Girl reading under tree during a gentle snowfall'. That's what I see anyway! Love the use of black in this one. Very bold! -- Auntie Andi
- on October 2, 2016
Reminds me of Picasso! -- Auntie Andi
- on October 2, 2016
This is my favorite work of art so far! The colors and patterns show such skill and understanding of what is pleasing to the eye. Way to go, Marcie! You ARE an artist! -- Auntie Sara
- on October 2, 2016
I love this piece because it shows a great eye for color combinations. It also has texture, which makes the piece come to life. Great work, Marcie! -- Auntie Sara
- on October 2, 2016
Love the bold colors. Would be beautiful framed and matted! Really love this Marcie. -- Auntie Andi
- on September 26, 2016
Love the butterfly! -- Aunt Carolyn
- on September 26, 2016
This was from Kindergarten two years ago. Look how far your artwork has come! -- Laura
- on September 25, 2016
This is my favorite of Marcie's recent works. -- Laura