Amber, What a pretty picture. You've used such nice colors too! I like your smile :). Love, Nana
- on June 21, 2007
Amber, this is so lovely. You are very talented. And thank you for my wonderful Eeyore pumpkin. Love, Pat
- on October 21, 2006
Papa and I really like the picture of you on the bar in gymnastics. You have a great smile. Keep up the good work. Love, Nana
- on May 2, 2006
I know you love gymanastics and you did a great job of showing yourself on the uneven bars ! I can't wait to see you at your Olympic's ! Love, Mommy
- on April 17, 2006
What a beautiful whale. It must have taken quite a while to glue all these pieces in place ! Mommy
- on April 17, 2006
What a lovely gymnist. Amber is so talented!! I am so proud of you.
- on April 17, 2006
Oooh Amber, Papa and I think your new picture looks like someone from outer space! Is he green because he's been eating too much spinach? Love, Nana
- on April 17, 2006
Great job! I'm very proud of you! -- from Miss Siwicki
- on February 28, 2006
Papa and I really like your parrot. He's very colorful. Does he make a lot of noise? Love, Nana -- from Carla Heinlein
- on May 9, 2005
Amber-I love your Parrot. Very colorful! You're going to be a famous artist some day! -- from Auntie Cherie
- on May 6, 2005
Amber is so talented and has a unique, fresh and beautiful imagination. Keep up the wonderful job! I have seen her grow not only in her talent but as a lovely young girl. -- from Love, Your friend, Pat
- on February 2, 2005
Such pretty colors Amber. Papa and I like it very much. Keep creating - we enjoy seeing your work. Love, Nana -- from Nana
- on February 2, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on January 7, 2005
Very nice Amber! Keep up the excellent and creative artwork. Love, Daddy -- from Daddy
- on May 22, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on May 19, 2004
Ooohh. I hope your caterpillar won't eat the leaves on our apple tree! -- from Nana
- on April 9, 2004
Beautiful snowman scene ! What an artist you are becoming, baby doll ! Keep being creative ! -- from Mommy
- on February 18, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on January 10, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia