Damian1828's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Damian1828's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Damian! I love seeing your art work! You are very relented with color! Keep up the great work! We love you!
-- Aunt Debbie
- on March 18, 2015
Wow Damian. You did do a picture of birds. You little stink bug. I love it. Great job. I love u mommy
-- Krysta
- on March 13, 2015
Great job Damian. You are doing so good. Your picture is wonderful
- on November 22, 2014
Wow Damian. You did a great job drawing. Keep up the good work. I love to see them.
-- Grandma
- on November 22, 2014