Atalia14's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Atalia14's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Atalia, I was so excited to see your latest artwork after we just talked about Artsonia on the phone! I absolutely love the colors -- you always seem to know which colors compliment each other (look good together). This picture is especially interesting because of the story behind it. You've got me thinking, like your wonderful progress report said you did for your classmates :) You'll have to tell me the full story sometime soon. Another wonderful work of art ... I'm looking forward to the next one! XOXOXOXOX
-- Doris
- on June 2, 2016
Atalia your artwork keeps getting better and better!!!! You are like your daddy when he was young. You are a wonderful artist. I always look forward to your new creations! I feel so honered ro be able to see them when you bring them home. Keep up the great work sweetie!!! Love Grandma
- on March 25, 2015
Dear Atalia, We absolutely love your gorgeous snail!!! She is beautiful. What a wonderful way to celebrate Youth Art Month! I was so impressed with your creativity that I called your Grandpa Victor and told him he had to see it right away. Both he and Uncle Ken loved your snail ... so did people in my office. Another beautiful creation by a talented artist! XOXOXOXO
-- Doris
- on March 25, 2015
Hi Atalia, WOW! What a gorgeous picture! This one is my favorite yet, but they are all very pretty and special. You really have a great sense of color and imagination. The hearts and numbers add an extra personal touch! Thanks for reminding me about the name of your school. It sure looks like a great place to go. Uncle Ken and I send our love and congratulations on another beautiful job! XOXOXO
-- Doris
- on March 4, 2015
Atalia, Another beautiful picture to celebrate the Christmas season! The reindeer are so cute! Adding labels shows us how well you can write and spell now :) A great job by a very talented girl -- Uncle Ken and I are so proud of you! XOXOXO
-- Doris
- on December 16, 2014
Dear Atalia, Your cityscale is absolutely beautiful! The colors you chose look wonderful together! Of course, when you start with your favorite color, it just gets better! Great job, your artwork shows just how creative you are -- thanks for sharing :) Love, Aunt Doris <3 <3 <3
-- Doris
- on December 2, 2014
Atalia, i just love your city scapes artwork! It is super beautiful!!! Love Grandma??
- on December 2, 2014