Isaiah7807's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Isaiah7807's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Used all your colors. Very nice Isaiah.
-- Grandpa S
- on July 4, 2017
Hello Isaiah, School will be out for the Summer next week. I bet you are excited. Like I'm excited by your gorgeous painting of flowers. You are quite the artist. I hope you have a fun Summer. Love you.
-- Grandpa S.
- on July 4, 2017
Hi Isaiah, What is your new artwork made out of? I hope it doesn't drop & brake. I hope you are having fun in school. Winter is almost over. Love, Grandpa S.
-- Grandpa S.
- on March 22, 2017
Hi Isaiah, Very pretty artwork. Looks like Mr. Bill saying "Oh No!" I hope you enjoy your summer. I miss you.
-- Grandpa S.
- on August 24, 2016
That is so pretty!
-- Pat
- on April 7, 2016
Hi Isaiah, I like your new pottery. You could use it as a candy dish, but I would use it as a bowl to keep my keys in. Have fun the last 2 months of 1st grade. P.S. Thank you for reading to me for my birthday present. Love, Grandpa S.
- on April 7, 2016
Welcome to 1st grade Isaiah. I really enjoyed going to your school classroom and meeting your teacher and classmates. I like your Thanksgiving pumpkin but it is making me hungry for pumpkin pie. Is Captain America still wearing his 2 medals? Love you much. Grandpa S
-- Larry
- on January 6, 2016
Holy Cow! I mean Porky Pig. Another colorful artwork of Isaiah's. Maybe mommy & daddy will let you get some pigs to keep in your room. Then you could call it your pig pen. Ha Ha Grandpa S.
-- Larry
- on June 10, 2015
Hi Isaiah, This picture sure looks like a colorful flying parrot. I hope you have a fun Summer. Grandpa S
- on June 1, 2015
I Love seeing your artwork.
-- Nana
- on May 9, 2015
Hi Isaiah, I saw you drew a picture for your Mommy earlier so it is nice for Daddy to get a picture too. School will be out for the summer soon. But first, someone special is having a birthday. Hugs to you Isaiah. Grandpa S.
-- Larry
- on May 6, 2015
Hello Isaiah, I just received 2 more artwork masterpieces. A portrait of Mom & you dancing and another one of Dad & you wrestling. Did you step on her toes? You are all very skinny. Better eat some cookies. And Baby Jude, I mean "Big Boy" Jude & Devin want to be in a picture too. Maybe climbing a tree. I miss you. Grandpa S
- on April 21, 2015
Hi Isaiah, I just saw the beautiful snowman you created. We have enough snow on the ground here in Indiana to build a snow fort. If that is a carrot nose it is making me hungry. Keep up the great work and enjoy your T-ball season. Love Grandpa S.
-- Larry
- on February 28, 2015
Hi Isaiah, Your picture is really cool! Is that your daddy? You are becoming a fine artist. I like all the colors in his face. But he better wash before bedtime. Keep up your great work. Love, Grandpa S.
-- Larry
- on February 25, 2015
Hi Isaiah, I really like your artwork. It is colorful and reminds me of making mudpies. I have been hearing very good things about you in school. Keep up the great work, Sir Isaiah. Love, Grandpa S
-- Larry
- on December 19, 2014