Anna13488's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Anna13488's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a nice Thanksgiving day decoration the Indian corn! Sorry not to be sharing Turkey day with you all, but will look forward to seeing you Sat. or Sun for your bday party ~! Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
Hi Anna, LOVE the bat in the moon picture........! Looks like you tore paper to form the circles of the moon? Really neat. Thanks for sharing, Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
Hi Anna, It "makes our day" when we get to see your Artwork ~! Love the textured pumpkin, and am guessing you cut out different kinds of paper or wallpaper and glued them on? Can't wait to see you after Thanksgiving ~! Love, Oma and Opa
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
Love the new artwork Anna........and am trying to figure out how you did it? Was it Block printing maybe? Let's talk......... Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
Hi Anna, Love you last two art projects........both the collage and the positive / negative fall symbols. You do such NEAT projects.......and I think you are very creative. Loved being at your soccer tourney too.......hope you had a good week since. Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
Opa and I just saw your cool wave and warm sunset picture and WE LOVE IT. Keep up the good work Anna. I lOVED coming to Grandparent's day........hope you are enjoying the treats from my garden and your new outfit? Love you, Oma and OPa
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
LOVE your self portrait as a SUPERHERO Anna. Especially love those bolts of energy and power in the background, and of course your lovely smile..........Good Job ~! Love you, Oma and Opa
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2015
Hi Anna, You must KNOW how much I enjoyed your garden picture ! I've already planted my broccoli, brussel sprouts. kohlrabi, peas, radishes and swiss chard. The rain this week is helping them grow. Can't wait to see you this Saturday to go to the Zoo.....if it'doesn't rain. Love you, Oma
-- Oma
- on May 20, 2015
LOVE the BUG ! Cutest creepy crawly I've seen in a long time. Love,
-- Oma
- on May 20, 2015
Very colorful piece of work Anna ! Is it a mask? I'll be interested to talk to you about it when next we chat. Love you,
-- Oma
- on May 20, 2015
This picture is half of the elephant SHAVED ? Or did you run out of charcoal? You will have to tell me about it this weekend. Can't WAIT to see you Anna. LOve,
-- Oma
- on March 27, 2015
LOVE the hearts Anna........and LOVED visiting you at school last week. Thank you SO MUCH for inviting me.......and showing me your work and school.
-- Oma
- on March 27, 2015
Very intersting and lovely cross will have to explain to Oma how you made it.......and from toilet paper rolls ???? Amazing! Hope to see you at Grandparent's day next week .. Can't wait.
-- Oma
- on March 4, 2015
Really love this beautiful cardinal Anna.......EVEN if it's shown on a SNOWY we prepare to head home from sunny Florida. You drew it very life like ! Love, Oma and Opa
-- Oma
- on February 19, 2015
Hi Anna, Just saw your latest artwork.........looks like a stone maybe a castle? Next time we talk, you'll have to tell us more about it. But it's very well done ! We love it. Love, Oma and Opa
-- Oma and Opa
- on January 24, 2015
Love your Xmas tree and manger scene Anna..........added joy to our holidays ! Love, Oma and Opa
-- Oma
- on December 24, 2014
Keep up the GREAT work. I love it!
-- Grandma Liz
- on November 14, 2014
Dear Anna, What pretty pumpkins you designed ~! And your work is so neat.........not messy. We're proud of you ! Love, Oma and Opa
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2014
Just LOVE this creative corn Anna........ you are very artistic ! Love, Oma and Opa
-- Oma
- on November 14, 2014