James17243's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about James17243's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are an amazing artist!
-- Matt (Pop-Pop)
- on January 4, 2016
Awesome job James!
-- Jill
- on April 19, 2015
Awesome! Very well done!
- on April 18, 2015
Orange fishy! Mommy's favorite color. Amazing job! Love the super sharp teeth.
- on March 30, 2015
Snowman with a mohawk? Lol cute
- on March 30, 2015
- on March 30, 2015
What an awesome job! Too cool
-- Deserayah
- on March 28, 2015
James, this is fantastic! You are so creative! Good job!
-- Dad & Eva
- on March 26, 2015