Wow, a tribe in South Africa decorates their houses like this? Excellent work and very interesting. Maybe the best yet! -- Bill
- on March 31, 2015
Good job Luke! -- Sharon
- on March 30, 2015
I love all of the pretty Spring colors in this house Luke! It looks Asian! LOVE IT! -- Mom
- on March 28, 2015
Luke,this is very neat,I think grandma should go to art school so I could make neat things like this.Keep up the good work.Love you. -- Grandma Kate
- on March 28, 2015
Good job Luke. Keep up the good work! -- Sharon
- on March 5, 2015
Luke, I studied this for a long time. I saw lots of different things. How creative! I love the colors you chose, they make me feel warm inside! -- Aunt Debbie
- on March 5, 2015
Luke your picture of the eye is awesome!!! Great job!! -- paula
- on March 3, 2015
You know what Luke? Just the name of your art work,''Abstract Colographs sounds very neat.Keep up the good work.Love you. -- Grandma Kate
- on March 3, 2015
I think this looks like an Indian Chief's headdress! I can see the ribbon among the feathers! Great work Luke!
- on March 2, 2015
The direction and color are impressive. -- Bill
- on March 2, 2015
Love it! So neatly done! Great choice of color! We have an artist among us : ) -- Debbie
- on February 24, 2015
This looks good enough to eat!! Wow!! Beats McDonalds & Burger King!! -- Debbie
- on February 24, 2015
I love the colors & detail! Great job, Luke!! -- Debbie
- on February 24, 2015
I really like the colors you choose to do this one,I can't wait to see more of your art. -- Grandma Kate
- on February 24, 2015
Wow Luke I just seen your burger & that looks good enough to eat.Yum Yum Keep up the good work.. -- Grandma Kate
- on February 24, 2015
A true "montage" of artistic expressions - a very creative approach! -- Bill
- on February 23, 2015
Truly a burger that even Mr Krabs would be proud of... great job! -- Bill
- on February 23, 2015
This one is fantastic. So realistic and colorful! -- Bill
- on February 23, 2015
This artwork is cool with all of the different shapes, colors and lines. You did a super job!
- on February 23, 2015
This is awesome! You did a great job!
- on February 23, 2015
I love this one Luke! It's quite the masterpiece! I love the colors of the eye! Good work!