Charlie that is great. It is a perfect representation. Grandpa -- Steve
- on May 22, 2015
Charlie that is great. It is a perfect representation! -- Steve
- on May 22, 2015
Wow, Charlie your Man tid is fabulous. I couldn't draw that well. Maybe you'll be a biologist - or a construction engineer using all your Lego training - or a priest using all your speaking and singing skills. We'll see! Looking forward to your Memorial Day visit!!!! -- Meg
- on May 22, 2015
Charlie, I love this picture. Keep up the good work. You have a lot more talent than I ever did. Love grandpa -- Steve
- on May 22, 2015
Sizzle! Zap! I feel the power of electricity in your design, Charlie. The wire is hit and zap! Love your use of strong colours - orange and blue for the vase and bright yellow flash. Well done! -- Marilyn
- on May 22, 2015
Your windmill is gorgeous! I hope you have the original at home. We'll look at it when we come NEXT weekend, not this one. Love, Grandma Meg! -- Meg
- on March 25, 2015
Wow - this is interesting! I hope I get a chance to see it "live" so that I can appreciate the effect of the LEDs. Was there a specific story or image that led you to design and do this piece? Grampa Tom -- Tom
- on January 21, 2015
Hi Charlie I really sensed the wheel moving in your drawing. I think it is AWESOME that electricity can be generated by a turning wheel. -- Grandma Marilyn
- on March 25, 2015
Charlie, I am impressed! Who knew your name could light things up...Love, Aunt Becky
- on November 2, 2014
The Squishy Glow art looks really good. Did you get to eat it? You're a great apple picker. Maybe we could put a healthy apple on the art! Have a fun day. Do you have art every day? -- grandma Meg