Molly....this is terrific! Amazing that I can see your artwork all the way down here in the Bahamas! You have your great grandmother's talent...amazing . I am so proud of you! Xox. Grama -- Lynn
- on June 17, 2015
Far out Molly! Your poster is wonderful!!!!!! Xox -- Lynn
- on February 18, 2015
molly, I love your light its very creatve -- love mom
- on December 29, 2014
molly this great! -- mom
- on December 29, 2014
Nice Molly! -- Dad
- on December 29, 2014
Molly, are a true Babcock...really artistic! We love this piece of art. Please invite us to your first art opening! Xox Grampa and Grama -- John
- on November 13, 2014
molly I love its beautiful love mom
- on November 8, 2014
Molly - This is fantastic! I love it....great choices of color.
- on November 8, 2014
Hi Molly I love you art your my inspiration every day -- Sylvia