Alyssa15255's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Alyssa15255's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is awesome baby, I’m so proud of you ??
-- Krisana
- on March 28, 2019
I’ll call it “A Tree in Winter”. Very nice, I hope that’s what you were thinking. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandpa Vic
- on March 28, 2019
Very nice.
-- Johnny
- on March 28, 2019
Very nice.
-- Johnny
- on March 19, 2019
Nicely done on the art work Alyssa. I like the lighting bolts. Very creative, keep up the good work! Miss you! Give your mom a hug for me and have her give you kiss from me. Love you G-pa Vic
-- Vic
- on November 5, 2018
Alyssa, Grandpa Billy & Grandma Patti love looking at your beautiful & creative artwork!!! Keep up the good work! We love you! XOXOXOX
-- Patti
- on September 1, 2017
Very cool.
-- Johnny
- on September 1, 2017
Nice work Alyssa! You are obviously paying attention to your art teacher. Tweety looks great! We love and miss you
-- Grandpa Vic and Kendra
- on September 1, 2017
Hi and missyou.Gma
-- Grandma Helen
- on April 30, 2017
I am Alyssa's Great Aunt Erin! Alyssa, I love you so much, I love your artwork, you are so talented, remember there is no rules in art, never stop making such beautiful art. God bless you sweet heart, You know how much I love flowers, I may just have to purchase this in a ring, and every time I wear it I will whisper a prayer for you, as I pray for you often. God Bless you beautiful, Love you, Aunt Erin
-- Erin
- on April 30, 2017
Hey.... I know that cat.... He likes to wear his hat. Nicely done Alyssa.
-- Vic
- on April 12, 2017
Very pretty Alyssa! Love and miss you, Sissy
-- Nicole
- on April 1, 2017
Very nice. Quite original.
-- Johnny
- on March 6, 2017
Another wonderful & creative piece of artwork from our granddaughter Alyssa! We are so proud of all your beautiful artwork Alyssa! We love you so very much! Grandma Patti & Grandpa Billy XOX
-- Patti
- on February 8, 2017
Another fine work by my beautiful granddaughter Alyssa. Keep up the great work! Love the movement in this picture.
-- Vic
- on December 28, 2016
Love the colors and composition.
-- Johnny
- on December 28, 2016
Nice work Alyssa! That house definitely looks dreamy. Love you, Grandpa Vic
-- Vic
- on June 7, 2016
SHARKS!!!! Careful don't lose a finger. Good thing the glass is there. Nicely done. Keep up the good work! Love you!
-- Grandpa Vic
- on March 9, 2016
Well my Beautiful Miss Alyssa, I love your Autumn leaf picture. Autumn is my favorite time of year, all of the beautiful colors of the leaves, you can run and play in them. I love that you enjoy art so much, you are very good and artistic, well my love I am going to get a coffee cup with this picture, and every time I drink decaf coffee, or hot chocolate I am going to think of you & whisper a prayer ! I love you to the moon & back to you around the zoo Boo Boo, Never stop making your beautiful art because it makes not just me smile i am sure it makes others also smile! Kisses & Hugs God Bless, Aunt Erin
-- Erin
- on November 27, 2015
What a beautiful picture you made obviously you have talent when it comes to artwork love and miss you
-- Auntie Beth
- on November 27, 2015
Beautiful. Excellent color arrangement and composition.
-- Johnny
- on November 27, 2015
Nice baby girl!
-- Daddy
- on November 27, 2015
Well my Dear Princess Alyssa, I so love your artwork, I have always told you how i love your drawings. I would love for you to draw a picture of sunflowers, with you, me and Honey Girl my service animal. I can send your Mom a recent picture if you need, but I am sure your drawing will be beautiful. Then I will order a coffee mug & tee-shirt; that way when I wear the tee-shirt you will be close to my heart. Also, when I drink coffee, it will put a smile on my face. Never stop making art because it is a gift from God and there are no rules in art. Beauty is in you and it shows in your art. I love you with all my heart, Aunt Erin
-- Erin
- on January 7, 2015
Great job Alyssa. You are becoming a great artist. I miss drawing with you. Love and miss you lots, Sissy
-- Nicole
- on December 21, 2014
Alyssa, nice work, I like her smile. Keep drawing! I love you!!
-- Granpa
- on December 18, 2014
Pretty colors! You're a great artist Lil Miss!
-- Shelli
- on December 18, 2014
Great job Alyssa!
-- Shelli
- on December 18, 2014
This one is really cool princess, I love the purple! Love you, Mommy
- on December 18, 2014
This is really creative baby! Love you, Mommy
- on December 18, 2014