Haylee1565's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Haylee1565's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very Pretty
- on May 4, 2015
Haylee, is this a ceramic replica of your Uncle J's loud mouth? You, young lady, are a true talent. Keep up the beautiful art!
-- J.
- on May 1, 2015
Hello Haylee - I also like your picture very much. The water reminds me of when I am playing with my pal Nelson at the beach during the summertime. I like to jump off sailboats and swim. Then I like to eat fish at the cookouts later in the day. I can't wait for summer
-- Brian the Sharbador
- on April 25, 2015
Your picture reminds me of summertime on the lake watching seagulls, sail boats and of course the light tower at the end of the pier. Very Nice! It's beautiful. I like to swim and play in the water during the summer.
-- Nelson the South African Boerboel Mastiff
- on April 25, 2015
If I was sailing around that treacherous point, I would certainly take full advantage of that outstanding light tower.
-- J
- on April 25, 2015
Good job Haylee! Very creative!
-- Vaness
- on April 1, 2015
-- Daddy
- on April 25, 2015