Bella2804's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Bella2804's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice! I love you!! Mom
-- Amber
- on December 10, 2014
Hi Bella! I love your artwork! You are such a great artist! Your dog is adorable, and I love the colors on your name! Can't wait to see the next artwork you have. Bye!
-- Katie
- on October 31, 2014
puppy good job Bella burns you great and i love your puppy this is your sister clara.i love the colors you did on your page for your name . it is great.the puppy is like saying please take me out side or i'm going to blow up!and the puppy is trying to hide the fact that she has to go to the bathroom by smiling. iv'e never seen a puppy with ears like that! name your artistic name is just shouting out colors RED GREEN YELLOW ORNGE PURPLE BLUE!!!!!!!! i love it!Its also shouting out BELLA BELLA BELLA BELLA BELLA! HAHAHAHAHAHA so funny.
-- Clara
- on October 31, 2014